Harvey Dent/Two-Face [Ooh, im Two-Face, imma keep my feelings bottled up]

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Idk with the title. I'm sorry I took long, I've got a lot of problems lol

Anyways. Tell me if you want a redo


"Does this really have to be recorded?" Harvey asked, sitting down on the white lounge sofa , his arms resting on his legs, his white Arkham sleeves rolled up. You press the button on the tape, beginning the recording before setting yourself down with your​ pen and pad.

"It's like every other session Harvey."

"Dent." Harvey corrected

"Mr. Dent, Two-Face had a in incident last night. What made him angry?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

"It concerns me when Two-Face unsettles himself and other patients."

He went quiet, you tried to get him to speak only for his replies to be short murmurs and grunts. If frustrated you that Two-Face wasn't allowing to talk, you needed to help him and he blocked you from Harvey. "I want to help you Mr. Dent. This session will only continue if you avoid my questions." He looked up at you, glaring, irritated. "Just let me in." You asked desperately only for him to respond with a eye roll. You sighed, exhausted.

You ended the session and stopped the recording, allowing the escorts to take him back to his room.

Pacing back and forth in your office, you studied his files and wondered how to get around him, what would trigger Harvey to speak up more. You examined his charts, how he's been up and down, someone had upped his dosage. If felt easier with Nygma, since he felt comfortable talking with anyone but you learned his tricks not to let him manipulate you. And Tetch started off silent but soon began opening up to.

You groaned, falling into your chair and let it roll you away. You giggled to yourself, how did you not think of his wife and daughter.

The next session with Harvey started the same as before, he continued to remain silent while Two-Face continued to reply with grunts and murmurs. "You have to better yourself, Harvey."

"I'm fine."

"If you were fine, you'd would at least try to talk to me. To open up and better yourself for your wife and daughter."

"She my ex-wife." Harvey finally spoke up.

"But she had been there for Duela, does that not mean nothing​?"

"And even if I just so suddenly walked up to her doorstep, she'd just -- what? Take me back? Accept me? With this face?"

"Regardless of what you look like, she'd see you as the man you once were: Harvey Dent. The man with ambitions, who thought that he could change Gotham, make it a better place." You smiled at him.

"Watch it, doc."

"Hey, no harm with a little inspiration."

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