Talia Al' Ghul

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You earned a slap from the superior. Your cheek stung and the echo filled the room, bouncing off the windows surrounding you both, presenting a dark sky, the velvet floors matching with the rosewood furniture.

You hadn't flinched nor dared to move once she struck you. Who would either of you be to defy Ra's wishes? Yes, you proved yourself worthy, going to battle and fighting effortlessly, an unquestionable assassin to Ra's and Talia,  and one of the few who have successfully completed the Demon Trials. But to marry the demons daughter? Instead of being by her side as her protector and friend, but as a partner? Even the thought of you two making...

You shook your head, pinching your nose.

"Look at me." How could her voice be so stern yet gentle, swift Arabic moving off her tongue. Nonetheless, you did as you were told, sharp green eyes meeting yours. "Regarding the sudden announcement, as well your sudden disrespect, we will fulfill what Ra's wants."

"Yes." You nodded, holding back the angered tone that wished to be let out from behind your teeth. You paused. "Lady Talia." She dismissed you, her back facing you as you left, she gazed out the window.

You stood, pacing, in your chambers. Wishing to scream, rip the feathers from the pillows, tear the paint from the walls, hell even throw the furniture out the window, letting it have its chances down the mountains. Why would you? It was be childish, something you weren't use to letting out.

You groaned, unbuttoning your clothes and falling onto the lounge, the soft pillows suffocating under you. That woman sometimes irritated you. But she became even more irritable once her brat son was take to Gotham. You wished, begged the Gods even, that the detective would bust into the castle and claim his love to that woman.

The next couple of months was just planning by Ra's servants and such, not wanting to be part of the occasion until the day. Some were excited to see if it would turn out beautifully and other wished to see who would be idiotic enough to attempt to interrupt the important. You and Talia however kept your distance. You were exhausted by the thought, hungry for the big day to come just to get it over with.

The day started to close in, the arrival slowing the closer it got. Your stomach wasn't even in knots. Yet it did a sudden churn when you watched Talia walk towards you. Was it the crowd and bodyguards, giving you glares to protect the woman that could crush any mans fist? The eye-shadow that shaped her eyes perfectly? The beautiful grown and jewels that drapes her?

Was it your life flashing before your eyes? The private moments where you both made fun of her father, when you both got angry with another, remembering how you helped each other train as teenagers.

You couldn't stop looking at her, almost stumbling over your vows, you  can't mess this up. All of sudden, all of the people that you ever kissed you couldn't even remember their names.

The both of you sat quietly at the table, piles of gifts sat behind you, chatter flowed around the room. Some disbelieved that Talia went through with the wedding. In realization, Talia really could have stopped the wedding. Talia looked up, eying a pale, dark haired man, striking steel blue eyes step to the table with his gift.

"Todd." Talia greeted, her guards taking the gift and placing it behind the two of you.

"Talia." He nodded his head then turned his attention to you. "Lucky." He simply stated before walking away.

"I was sure he had died." You had finally spoke up after the long, dreary silence.

"The league made a mistake and sought to fix it."

"Wonder what the detective would think."

"Don't bring him up." She grumbled. "Not on this day."

"You do care for our day." You grinned, slyly.

"Only for The sake of others."

"That's just it?" You glanced at her, disappointed.

"No, beloved." She simply stated, the first time she had spoken that word to you. She looks at you, her eyes felt so warm. "I'm content. This feels right. Just know that.

You felt a smile crack.


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