Joker [Beautiful Sinner]

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Beautiful Sinner is by Nicki Minaj, really good song.


The heavy laughter filled the room, coming from one of the Joker's henchmen. His usual slouched body leaned upright, in his unstable chair, all his attention caught into the daily newspaper. You let out a long yawn, pouring cream and sugar into your coffee before glaring at the noisy man.

"It's 9:30 in the evening." You spat at him. "The boss has got us up early and you're this loud?"

"You'll be laughing, too." He chuckled, holding up the papers headline. "Take a look.."

[Deadshot and the Harlequin Lovers Heist!]

"Lovers?" You scowled. "How? Why? And since when?"

"Who cares? Boss is going to have a riot when sees this." He laughed more at the idea.

"Or he'll throw a tantrum. Remember what happened when Jeremy and few decided to go join up with The Penguin?"

"Yeah, but those were a little nobodies. This is his girl. His other crazy half."

"'Other crazy half'." You signed up quotation marks. "Oh, please. Mr. J is way..."

You felt cold air breeze on your neck, you turned to see the green haired gangster closing the door behind him. "Hm?" He questioned, the usual darkness in his eyes. "'Mr. J is way' what?"

"Is... Is waaaaay better as building clubs than snob nose Penguin?"

"Good." He nodded, letting out a short chuckled. He patted your head, giving him a tense smile. "Saves you from receiving a extremely hurtful and snide remark."

Another breeze came into the room, Jonny tugging his coat, for warmth rushing to close the door.

"Well!" The pale boss set a hand on the amused henchman's shoulder, who had set his daily news down to hide the headline. "Jimmy,"

"Terry." The henchman corrected with a mumbled.

"I need you to hit the local ammunitions. The manager owes me a few favors. And I need Harley to... Harley!" He called out, expecting the harlequin to bounce out. "Harley! Where is that girl?!" He expected an answer.

"Not eating a fist full of hands, I'll tell you that." "Jimmy" mumbled the answer, earning ashamed head shakes from both you and Jonny.

"What?!" The boss questioned, furiously.

"She left, remember?" You reminded him.

"And? She's always come back before!" He spat

"Guess you didn't read the papers." "Jimmy" spoke up again.

"Papers?! What are you babbling about?!" The boss snatched the papers from the henchman, his eyes going wide then glaring at the headline. His screaming practically shook the whole apartment.

For nearly two days, the green haired boss went on and on about how the assassin didn't "know how to have fun?" Or the whole situation was "some elaborate ruse". A couple henchman ending up with a broken collar bone and a couple broken ribs, another with a busted zygomatic and a twisted up arm. And one being lucky enough to be shot dead. Working with the Joker, both you and Jonny expected this easily from your boss, speaking and acting against him would cause complications.

"Who needs the old Harley, when I can get a new and improved (and less noisy) Harley." He leaned back in his chair, his lips curved into his usual cheerful smile.

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