The Riddler []

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I'm sorry, this was supposed to be posted last weekend and then I was supposed to post bad fam


"Inmate: 270!" A guard roared you're number. You rolled your neck and rolled your eyes out of frustration, only wanting to finish this meat patty that sat upon your lunch tray. "Telephone!" You waited, taking a few more bites. "Now!" You pushed your tray away, an annoyed grunt as you stood.

"Can I have the rest?" An inmate across form you asked, you answered with a simple nod. You walked past each table, occasional navy blue or beige inmate glancing at you, some of their uniforms dirtied by their sloppy eating. You meet eyes with the guard who had bellowed you, both of your glares attack each other. You snatched the phone from his hand and pressed the phone to your ear with your back towards him for the little privacy you had.

"Hello?" You answered, praying it was a bailer or a lawyer who thought you should get another chance.

"How's Blackgate?" The voice replied making you let out a relieved chuckled.

"Its, um..." You rested a hand on your temple, body leaning against the cracked wall. "It's so clean and everyone has the warmest manners. You'd be amazed, Ed'."

"Really? I bet." You could hear the grin through the phone. "Press these buttons in this exact order --"

"Why?" You cut him off, glancing back at the officer who caught you looking at him. The eye contact made it awkward. "Is it going to give me money so I can buy some gum from the concession?"

"I'll get you a muffin when you get out. #276-#94." You weren't going to question his plan and immediately pressed into the buttons. You pressed the buttons and glanced around, nothing was happening.

"Alright, you've had enough time." The officer told you.

"One more minute!" You groaned, giving your attention back to the phone. "Nothing happened!" You whispered harshly. "What was that suppose to--" the lights go dark, excluding the emergency lights and flashes of red. Immediately prisoners start to riot, fighting amongst each other and with the guards. You let the phone fall, swinging by it cord, ducking from incoming food.

More guards thunder in, batons in hand. The door they trampled through struggled to closed, giving you the opportunity to run out, avoiding swinging punches, ducking behind walls to keep out of sight from the guards, who were either handling other prisoners or calling for local back up. All you felt was a grin on your face as you actually made it to the front of the prison, well you hid in a janitors closet and tried to figure out to pass the crowd of guards outside and not get blinded by the flashing blue and red lights.

You hear stomping coming from the halls, blue and beige uniforms of both guards and inmates running ignorantly past the cracked door, racing to freedom. You stepped out of the closet then out to the exit, the riot distracted every guard. You groaned, standing at the top step, glancing around the scene, hoping to see that familiar green or even something that he'd place that was out or the ordinary.

"Freeze!" A guard aim his gun at you, his hands shaking, and clear sweat on his brow.

"Really?" You rolled your eyes, shrugging your shoulders, taking at couple steps down.

"Not one more step!" He yelled, he straightened his posture, hardening his grip on his firearm. "I have every reason to kill you." You squinted in annoyance at the guard. "So, not one --" the guard is hit on the back of his head by a baton, by one of his partners in fact. The guard grabs and pulls you by the arm, dragging across the field of chaos, in which order was winning.

The guard pushes you in the backseat of his cruiser, immediately taking off once the ignition started.

You watched tress, street lights in front of closed store fronts, and a couple of police cruisers sped by. You removed your shirt tossing it to the side, not wanting anymore to do with the prison. The thought of actually getting away with busting out the prison wasn't surprising.

"I'm surprised you didn't leave your trademark on this lovely crime." You leaned over his seat, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling into his neck.

"I'm baffled that you'd be surprised that I wouldn't." He chuckles back.

The following evening you woke up in one of Edward's safe houses. It was a classic, out of the city apartment, though able to have a view of the freeway going into and out of Gotham. A warm, one bedroom, a bed filled with pillows and blankets; the kitchen was welcoming yet yet dishes piled the sink, little food was left in the fridge except eggs, milk, cheese, and bed frozen in the freezer; the living area set with a small round table with two comfortable wood chairs; large window opened up from behind heavy velvet curtains, reveling the lights of passing cars, loud music, honking, or revving as they passed by.

You walked to the newspaper that sat at the foot of the dark green door, mailman had slipped it through the mail slot earlier. A yellow sticky note stuck to the door:

'What can't you have for breakfast?' It simply asked. You assumed he'll be back in a bit and smiled. You picked up the newspaper and sat at the small table, enjoying the view before the green ink of the newspaper catchers your eyes. "Oh." You simply chuckled.


It read above the picture, a green question mark laid painted from the entrance, to the curve of the prison, and the very back. The only way to properly make out the mark was from a high view and a precise position. It impressed and annoyed you how he could leave something like that. You briefly read the article and spotted your name, under the article, along with multiple other inmates who managed to escape.

The creaking from the door made you look up, entering was the man himself, holding a bag of take out and pushing the door behind him with his foot. He grinned, walking towards you, reading the headline that you held up to him, placing the bag on the table.

"I still don't understand where you get the time." You tossed the paper down. "Let alone not get caught."

"Would you rather I was caught?" He sat, taking both of the boxes out, placing one in front of you.

"Absolutely not." You smiled.

"Besides, I planned it but I wouldn't be foolish enough to do it myself. If I had, it wouldn't be as crooked as that."

"Of course it wouldn't." You blankly agreed, taking a closer look at the mark. It looked irregular to him yet you couldn't spot the flaw.

"Wait!" You yelped, his box open, he was ready to start eating. You jumped to his side, hugging his tightly and kissing him roughly on his cheek. He simply patted your arm for he didn't give too much affection. "Thank you, love." He kissed you back.

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