King Shark [Pets and... fishes]

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I really do apologize for the delay. I have school and stress is messing me up.

Please tell me what you think


Gotham City [Miller Harbor Aquarium]

"This is a bad joke." You panted, fearing for your life as you laid on wooden axle, it's angle tilted to remind you of the large glass pool of water. Noting the few school of fishes and occasional shark fin swimming above the water. What kind of fish did he have to have to keep a tight covering over the tank? Your wrist and ankles brushing red by heavy ropes. "Right?" You asked yourself. It had been three years since you have seen The Joker and he still remember the favor you owed him?! Since that day you'd made sure to keep moving, meet new people, get a new job, hell even changed your name yet he still found you.

"I assure you my dear allurement that you're not part of the joke." The green haired lunatic informed, his tight faced grin continued to be plastered upon his face.

"Then why am I still here?!" Your voice echoed throughout the blue room. You tried to lie still, your squirming threatening to slide you right in the pool. "I did everything you said to! I risked my career for you! I risked my family! Just let --"

"Blah, blah, blah!" He interrupts you, waving his gloved hand. "Same story, different scenario. I swear you hostages are getting very uncreative."

You shook your head, struggling against your bonds only to feel yourself tilt even more towards the pool and a foot or two of the tank covering slid open. You felt panic, focusing to your left to see the smirking mischievous clown, his gloved hand tightly gripping a lever. "I hadn't planned to feeding my friendly pets too early, but I can reschedule..." He led on, leaving you in silence, glaring at his pale face but nonetheless you laid still. "That's what I thought."

He stepped away from your pitiful aura, mumbling impatiently on where his dark gallant was. He was never late. He was always came for him. He better not be sending that kid, how insulting.

Minutes went by and both you and the clown were growing very impatient, stealing every second when the clown wasn't looking to try to pry from the ropes. The fish had also grown agitated it seemes, it stopped you and the clown from your thoughts when hard thumping shook the floors. The pool water building up heavier waves.

"Your pets are getting agitated." You warned, tugging from your restraints ever harder, you almost had it, just a few more tugs and your hand was free.

"Maybe I should feed them their kibble." He groaned in frustration, nearly losing his balance as the thumping got harder, the floor shaking more not to mention the tanks glass cracking that grew bigger with each thump. You were finally able to yank your hands free and began to pry the ropes from your ankles, immediately jumping off the plank, falling to the trembling floor.

You look up, the barrel of a precisely decorated revolver staring down on you, the white grin gleaning.

"Fuck!" You breathed out. "This, this right here, is the bad joke. We need to leave and you'd still rather see me dead?" You shook your head believed yet unbelieved.

"Oh, do we have to --" the only sound was glass shattering, shards scrapping your, the smell of salt water soaking onto your skin. The sight of an seven-foot shark throwing the clown on the other side of the pool, knocking him out as his body falling still.

"Oh, my goodness." You breathed, unable to find the strength the to stand, capturing the attention of the walking shark. "Why...what are you?"

"I'm no pet." The voice bellowed.

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