Day 2 - Cuddling

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Day 2 - Cuddling

Dean was struggling to cope. The man he had recently discovered he loved wasn't doing as well as he usually did and it was killing Dean. His knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tight and stopping himself from pulling over and holding Cass close, telling him that everything was going to be okay. He didn't seem to be driving quick enough as every second felt like a minute and that was an extra minute that his friend was suffering.

Cass was doing well and the pain was becoming too much for him to suffer in the silence as he previously had been. He had managed to keep his pain surpressed for the first couple of hours but as it built he couldn't any longer. Every bump felt as if the car had ccrashed over a mountain as his wound burned with a searing, stabbing pain. He let out pained shouts at every slight turn and just wished over and over for it to end. Every second he lay concious he just begged for something to ease the indescribable pain.

Just when Dean thought he wouldn't be able to take it any more, he saw the turning to Bobby's and ran a rough hand down his face. He'd never believed in miracles and he knew better but this seemed to be one as he could finally see what he could do for his friend. Ans at that moment in time, that was all that he could have ever hoped for.


As the boys pulled up to the front of the rackety house Castiel's cries swindled to faint, exhausted whimpers. Sam looked at Dean who practically ripped the door off it's hinges and flung himself out of the car. He knew that Dean had to be the one to get Cass. Sam wasn't blind and he had noticed the tension and hurt radiating from Dean as he'd driven at break neck speeds to the older hunter's house. He knew how Dean must be feeling hearing the barely muffled cries from the back of the Impala. So Sam knew to go to the house and leave Dean to sort out Castiel. So that's exactly what he did. He ran in to tell Bobby and hopefully help him get something to at least dull the angel's pain.

Dean carefully opened the door of his baby and looked in on the still whimpering angel. Blood was smeared on the blanket under him and he was curled in a tight ball as he attempted to relieve at least a small portion of the pain.

"Cass, we're here now. I'll get you sorted out and you won't feel this pain anymore," Dean said, brushing the damp hair off the man sweat covered face.

"Dean," Cass muttered and gripped the man's shirt roughly, "Please, it hurts."

Dean's heart broke at those words and he removed the sweat covered hand from his shirt and enveloped it in his own larger one.

He slowly lifted the angel out of the car trying his best to reduce pressure on Castiel's body as he craddled him in his arms. Dean gripped Castiel's hand tightly as his nails dug into his own. Every step he took made Castiel whimper in pain and with every step Dean's heart fell further in his chest. He held him tightly in an attempt to reduce the cries being emitted by his friend but it didn't seem to help.


When he reached the door to Bobby's house Castiel was barely concious and Bobby was flicking through book after book with Sam beside trawling the internet.

"Is there anything? I don't know how long we've got before he falls unconcious," Dean yelled as he entered the house with the angel sat in his arms, dripping with sweat.

"Nothing," the two men chorused as Dean went passed.

"Well there's got to be something Damit!" Dean yelled fustrated and desperate to have a way, any way, of helping his friend at his time of need.

"Don't shout boy. We're doing all we can," Bobby yelled looking up at the flustered hunter holding a limp angel, "Now set him down and pick up a book."

Dean nodded briskly and walked carefully up the stairs before setting down the angel on his bed.

"Cass, we'll get you all fixed up I promise," He muttered grasping his hand and sitting beside the tense angel, "You're going to be okay. I won't give up until I find something."

With that Dean hesitantly stood and made his way out of the room leaving his friend behind.


Dean didn't sleep until the very early hours of the morning. When he said he wasn't going to stop until a solution arose he wasn't kidding. He stayed up searching long after both Sam and Bobby had told him that there was nothing. Even after Bobby had said that the best thing they could do would be to leave him to rest until they could find an angel who would help him. He showed no sign of stopping until the energy drained from him. All the worry and driving caught up with him and he practically collapsed from exhaustion on the tabletop.

When he awoke the next day it was one o'clock in the afternoon and his thoughts moved straight to Castiel. He got up and his head spun as he wobbled up the stairs and across the rickety landing to the room where the angel laid.

Dean threw open the door and ran a greatful hand through his hair as he saw the man's wound bandged firmly and his eyes closed. Dean pulled up and chair and looked at his sleeping figure.

He was still sweating but at least he'd managed to rest a little. Dean felt relief swimming in his core as he placed his head in his hands and sighed deeply.

"Dean?" Castiel's weak voice uttered from the bed.

"I'm here Cass, just be quiet, you need your rest," Dean told him shuffling his clothing from around his flushed face.

"Dean, I'm so cold," He muttered faintly as he raised his arms slowly to try and pull his coat around his body.

Dean pushed it back down gently and took the coat from him, "You can't. You're over heating Cass."

"I'm not I'm cold," Castiel told him wrapping his own arms around himself in an attempt to warm himself up, "I'm so cold."

Dean looked into his pleading eyes and shook his head gently, "I can't Cass. You'll just make yourself worse. I'm going to get a cold flannel for your forehead. Just don't move please."

Dean turned but Castiel grabbed his coat sleeve holding him in place. He looked up at him and pulled him beside him on the bed.

"Hey Cass," Dean mummbled a little flustered.

"Please don't go," He muttered back pulling Dean's arm into his chest, "I'm so cold and I don't want to be alone."

Dean looked down at the dark haired man laid helplessly on the bed. His sea coloured eyes bore into Dean and he found himself laying down beside him and wrapping the shivering yet sweaty man in his arms. He pulled him to his chest and held him tightly.

Castiel sighed slightly and pulled the man closer to him not letting go even when he realised how warm he really was. Heat radiated out of him but he couldn't bring himself to let Dean go. He buried his head in Dean's dark green shirt and relaxed as he felt himself falling asleep.


When Sam and Bobby went up the stairs to redress Castiel's wounds they couldn't help but smile a little at the sight of the two men wrapped around each other.

"We really should dress his wounds Bobby," Sam said smiling slightly as his brother shuffled closer to Castiel in his sleep.

"Come on boy," Bobby muttered with his usual grumpy face on the outside but a heart that was melting on the inside, "Let's give them a bit longer. God knows they both need the rest."

Sam nodded and pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of them.

"One for the journal?" Sam asked holding up the picture for Bobby to see.

He let out a sharp and quickly muffled laugh before nodding and following Sam out of the room.

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