Day 13 - Eating Ice-cream

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Day 13 - Eating Ice-cream

After a particularly hard week of hunting every monster under the sun, they were all getting a little sick and tired of it all.

Dean was still trying to discover what Castiel was hiding from them all but he couldn't think of a way to bring it up. Everything was going so well in their relationship that he didn't want to do anything to screw it up because he really did love Castiel and no one wants to do anything that they think could upset the person they love.

But, it was digging at him so he knew he would have to soon. Maybe not today, maybe not next week but at some point it had to be brought up before it all came out in a fit of rage as he feared it might.

Castiel, on the other hand, was trying to forget that anything was wrong. He wasn't one for keeping things from Dean and generally Dean could tell when he was but an issue this big needed to be covered up. He couldn't let anyone else find out. Dean and the others wouldn't be safe and Castiel wouldn't let that happen.

Sam was really none the wiser to the inner battles the other two were facing and he was just sick of the weight being placed on his shoulders and the responsibility balancing on top of it. It was becoming ridiculous and with every monster appearing and every demon arriving to stop them from ruining their 'daddy's' plan Sam got more and more agrivated.

Bobby, however, knew everything. Many hunters took the service Bobby provided to them for granted and just assumed that he was an old, retired hunter who had lost his skills that he once possessed. They were so wrong.

Bobby knew of everything going on in his house from Castiel being healed by Gabriel to the inner turmoil of both man and angel as they mulled over the same thing over and over again. While Bobby did enjoy knowing everything that was going on (and it was sort of his job), he occasionally grew tired of waiting for the problem to get solved.

This time he had promised himself that he wasn't going to shout and call them all idjits; instead he was going to calmly wait for them to sort it out themselves. He could tell that Dean really liked Castiel and for once Bobby approved of someone he'd brought home (even if he was keeping things from him). And so, he wasn't going to ruin it by butting his head it where it didn't belong.

All this was mulling over inside each man's mind as they walked into the house and fell to the couch.

"I sick and tired of demons!" Dean shouted letting the slightly smaller man snuggle into his side, "They speak constant bullshit and it gets on my nerves."

"I'm just sick of this damn apocalypse," Bobby muttered falling into the chair and letting out a long breath.

"I know the feeling," Sam added throwing Bobby and Dean a beer before slumping into the couch alongside Dean and Castiel.

Just as everyone settled down into their chairs there was a loud bang and everyone jumped about 3 inches off their chairs as Gabriel stood in the middle laughing.

"I knew that would get you," he laughed looking around at all the murderous glares he was recieving, "Surprise has and always will be the best prank."

"What do you want?" Sam asked brushing his hair out of his face and leaning back in his chair after settling from the fright.

"Can't an archangel just want a friendly chat?" he asked with a humongous fake pout.

"No," Dean spoke looking at the archangel hard, "What do you actually want?"

"Okay you got me. I actually want to see how you are all coping with this whole 'the end of the world is nigh' thing. And I wanted to check that my baby Cassie was being looked after properly," he said with a little wink in Castiel's direction.

"I'm perfectly fine Gabriel. I can take care of myself," Castiel said giving him a pointed look that clearly read 'shut up'.

Gabriel must of got the message as he turned from the two and moved to the fridge-freezer, "Got any ice-cream?"

"No and why are you still here," Dean asked turning to look at Gabriel, "We've had enough of dickheads for one day."

"Ouch Dean-o, you've hurt my feelings," he said with a little smirk that only grew wider as he heard Castiel telling Dean to 'respect his brother', "You tell him Cassie!"

Gabriel clicked his fingers and a large sundae glass appeared in everyone's hands filled to the brim with ice-cream.

"Gabriel, while I wonder what exactly it is that you have given me I must also ask that you respect Dean as I like him very much and I would prefer it if you got on as me and Sam do," Castiel said looking from the ice-cream to Gabriel, who had a shock and happy confusion written on his face which made him look quite funny.

Dean sniggered slightly beside Castiel and tried to hide it in a cough when he turned and gave him a look similar to the one he'd given Gabriel earlier. That was when something cold, wet and chocolate flavoured hit him in the face closely followed by a roar of laughter.

The spoonful of ice-cream that Gabriel had launched at Dean's face was slowly winding it's way down his cheek while Gabriel laughed at him.

"No one laughs at me Dean-o. You should know that by now!"

Dean swiped the chunk onto the floor which gained a 'Hey!' from Bobby before loading up his spoon and firing some of his own sundae.

Unfortunately for Sam, Dean hadn't had anywhere near as much practice with the spoon-apult as Gabriel had and a sauce and marshmallow covered lump flew right into the middle of his forehead with a plop.

Dean looked guilty at first before long he was letting out a hearty laugh as he was sent a bitch face from his younger brother.

"Sorry Sammy but I've never flung ice-cream at anyone before!" Dean gasped out between laughter.

"You won't be laughing long Dean," Sam muttered as he flung some strawberry ice-cream in Dean's direction.

If it wasn't for his quick reflexes, he would have had another faceful of ice-cream but he did and instead it collided with Castiel's nose. Castiel gave out a little squeak as he felt the cool desert hit his nose and he looked at Dean in disbelief.

"Oh God, sorry Cass," Dean said with a small smile as he tried to hold back laughter. Castiel's open mouthed expression with the sowly melting ice-cream dripping off his nose was a sight and he was trying desperately not to laugh at Castiel's misfortune.

Dean opened his mouth to reply but he never had chance as the whole of Castiel's sundae was dumped onto his head.

"Ahhhhh!" Dean shouted in surprise as it fell down the inside of his shirt and onto his trousers.

Everyone but Dean and Castiel burst into fits of laughter as Dean looked between his ice-cream soaked shirt and the trenchcoated angel, "What the fuck Cass?!"

"It wasn't me!" Castiel tried to say, "Gabriel took it from me and tipped it over you!"

"Yeah Cass," Dean said, an evil smirk appearing on his face, "Do you want a hug?"

Castiel shook his head and went to stand but before he could Dean wrapped his arms around the angel and smooshed his chest against him and the ice-cream soaked into his shirt. He squirmed in Dean's hold but couldn't get free.

Everyone just sat in their chairs and laughed at the couple smiling and laughing at each other covered in ice-cream. Unfortunately for them they had made quite a mess. While Bobby wasn't the cleanest man you have met he wouldn't except the amount of sicky ice-cream and sweets dotted all over the floor.

The Winchesters and the two angels spent the next while cleaning the floor but the brief moment of laughter was worth it. Gabriel had successfully brightened their smiles and made them forget their troubles even if it was just for a little while. He considered it a victory. That was the point of his visit after all.

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