Day 30 - Getting Married

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Do You Love Me?

Day 30 - Getting Married

The room wasn't as peaceful and golden as it had been the last time Castiel had been there. They golden colour that had lined everything seemed duller and the peaceful atmosphere was gone replaced by tension. Castiel felt even more uncomfortable than he had when Zachariah had been calling him.

Everything seemed to be holding itself steady as if one move would mean death for them and, with the state Zachariah would be in, he didn't doubt that it could. His brother hadn't been pleased and he was worried what would happen even if he had done as he was told.

"Cass," Adam muttered breaking the silence with a touch of nervousness.

"Shut up. He's coming," Castiel commanded looking to the spot where Zachariah was about to appear. He didn'g know whether he was doing the right thing anymore. He didn't want to be putting Adam in so much danger; he was only a child; it felt wrong.

"Cassie," Zachariah said with an unamused tone as he used the name that Gabriel called him; it wasn't the same when he said it, "I thought you were abadndoning us then. It's a good job you came to your senses or we'd have to have sent someone out for your little friends.

Castiel nodded slightly and swallowed, "I've brought him."

"Yes, I can see that. What about Dean? Did you break off from him?" Zachariah pried.

"Yes. You were right he didn't love me and he never wanted to," Castiel muttered, looking away from his brother and into the far corner of the room sadly.

"He wasn't any good for you anyway brother," Zachariah said, sounding sympathetic but the smirk that was spread across his face gave him away. He never had been an angel for feelings of others and he wasn't about to change, especially with all the changes he'd been involved in recently. He could never claim that he wasn't part of the apocalypse.

Castiel nodded and licked his lips awkwardly and shuffled on his feet, "I must ask something of you in return for Adam."

Zachariah's face visably fell as Castiel said that. He looked at him suspiciously and sighed, "What could you possibly want?"

Castiel smiled a little as he saw Gabriel, Dean and Sam appear behind Zachariah. Dean's expression was a little unreadable but Castiel didn't care at that moment. He was going to stop Zachariah and he could stay with Dean forever, "Stay still please."

Zachariah's features drew into form a brief state of confusion but he quickly realised what was going on. Expecting to see Dean or Sam, he turned quickly with his angel blade in hand. Gabriel was, of course, anticipating everything and he managed to dodge quickly and push the two boys back before Zachariah could turn on them. Luckily Zachariah was never a fighter so he wasn't quick enough to injure anyone.

Castiel ran to join Dean and Sam as Gabriel left with Adam. The plan was going smoothly and with the archangel of their side he'd expected as much.

"Castiel," Zachariah sighed looking at the smirking Winchesters and the youngest angel shaking his head with a small smile, "We predicted that you wouldn't really leave Dean. Unfortunately you are predictable. I got you though didn't I?"

"Yes brother you did for a while but love is hard to deafeat with hate," Castiel said without hesitation.

Zachariah nodded still with a smile, "Unfortunately for you however, love can also lead the ones you love to their deaths."

He walked slowly towards Dean and span his angel blade in his fingers.

"Don't do anything to him Zachariah," Castiel shouted menacingly as the older angel got closer and closer to the older Winchester.

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