Day 10 - With Animal Ears

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Day 10 - With Animal Ears

When Castiel appeared in the impala he could feel the tension of unspoken questions. He knew that there would be many after what Raphael had said but he was really hoping he wouldn't have to answer them.

Luckily for him Dean didn't want to ask them. He wasn't completely happy with the fact that his new boyfriend (that fact still seemed a little odd to him) was keeping secrets from him but he was sure that Castiel would tell him in his own time. He knew that everyone had their secrets and he had plenty so it wasn't right to force Castiel's out of him.


"Baby Bro, Dean-o, Samsquatch!" Gabriel greeted them as they all wandered through the door.

"Gabriel," they all greeted practically at the same time.

"What's with the formality?" he asked before rising his arms and announcing, "Never mind, I have a game for us to play!"

Everyone froze. Out of experience the Winchesters had many valid reasons to doubt what Gabriel described as a 'game' would be any fun. Many of the archangels 'games' involved the demise of Dean or another party and while the man himself enjoyed it, those caught up in it weren't that keen.

"I'm not so sure-" Dean started before he was quickly cut off by a sharp click form Gabriel that seemed to echo around the house.

For a moment everyone braced themselves for some sort of time warp to appear or an explosion to happen but when it didn't their suspicion increased.

Dean turned to Sam to say something but instead took one look and burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at Ass hat?" Sam asked looking down at his brother before joining him in his laughter, "Dude, what have you got on your head?"

"Why are you both-" Castiel began before tiliting his head and staring at both Winchesters confused, "Why do you both have tails and ears? I wasn't aware of those before now."

They both stopped laughing and looked at Castiel.

"Wait, I have them too," Dean asked moving his hands sowly to the top of his head. Sure enough he felt two soft extra flaps on top of his head nestled in his hair.

"Oh you are so dead!" he yelled turning on the grinning Gabriel with a look of pure hatred.

"Gaberiel, what the fuck man!" Sam shouted looking at him with one of his many famous 'bitch faces'.

"I wanted to make it more realistic and er hello, trickster!" he smiled gesturing to himself with a cocky smirk on his face.

"You dick. I'll get you for this."

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try," he replied waving a hand dismissively in the older Winchester's direction and taking a step away from them, "Do you want to know the rules or not?"

"I'm not sure I understand what is happening," Castiel voiced as he took his eyes off the brown ears on top of Dean's head to turn to his brother.

"I'm glad you asked little Cassie," Gabriel said turning around with his arms outstretched in a gesture of pure showmanship, "I have made the house into a giant game of 'Mouse Trap'."

Everyone's mouths flew open.

"Why in God's name would you want to do that?" Sam asked breathily as he tried to think of a reason why an archangel with the power to do as he pleased, would do this. As he had suspected, nothing came to mind.

"I get bored Sambo but it's mainly because I wanted to humiliate you all, say cheese," he sad as the falsh blinded all three when he took a picture. Their shocked but threatening facial expressions were priceless and that picture could definitely be used for blackmailing later on.

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