Day 22 - Battling Side By Side

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Day 22 - Battling Side By Side

After the promises made at the engagement party they were trying harder than ever to get the apocalypse over and done with. They had very quickly managed to find a way of opening the cage. It was just the mattered of finding the horsemen and somehow getting their rings. It wasn't going to be easy but nothing ever was for the Winchesters.

They were searching desperately for any signs of either of the horsemen and so far they hadn't had any luck. They had however found a case to take their minds off the search while Bobby and Adam stayed to look for the horsemen.

It was a plain old vamp case. Their was a nest in Mississippi that had been draining people for some time without really getting noticed too much but they had turned a new one and he wasn't as good. He'd got hungry and killed more than he should. It was a simple take the nest gig and both Dean and Sam were glas to have something small to drag their minds away from the apocalypse; even if it was just for a couple of days.


The nest was silent as they entered the desolate building. Dust hung silently in the air, drifting around their figures as they made their way slowly through the empty room.

Dean singnaled for Sam to stay safe because, if he'd learnt one thing, it was to never take your guard down. He checked on Sam before stepping forward gradually. The breath of Castiel, that he had recently got so used to, wasn't there as he and his brother stalked around.

While Dean would've loved to have him by his side he knew that he should stay behind with Adam and Bobby in case of an attack from one of his siblings. They hadn't had one for quite a while and they were expecting one soon; especially now that they had Adam.

Dean had insisted that he and Sam could manage without him this one timebefore he left and promised that if they got in the smallest bit of touble they would call him. Dean wasn't expecting to have to but it was nice knowing that he was there just in case.

A small crashing sound came from behind a set of double doors on the other side of the room and Dean held up one hand to alert Sam before beconing him to his side.

"I don't think that they'll be more than four," Dean muttered quietly to Sam.

"Really?" Sam asked creasing his forehead, "I was thinking more like seven."

Dean shook his head and listened to the muffled speech coming from inside the room, "I think we're good Sammy."

"Should I call Cass?" Sam asked looking at his brother. He knew the reason he had told him to stay with Bobby and Adam but he also knew that Dean was a lot more comfortable with the angel by his side.

"No. He needs to make sure that nothing gets Adam," Dean said telling himself more than Sam. He was relatively certain that there were only four but as Sam suggested the possibility of more he panicked slightly. They had taken on much worse but he wasn't ready to lose Sam. Not now. Not ever, "We'll go on the count of three."

Sam nodded and watched as Dean held up finger after finger.



Castiel was sat on the couch as he watched Bobby and Adam flick through newspaper after newspaper. He would have been helping them but he thought that he was better suited to keeping watch. He didn't want any distractions in case one of his brothers, namely Zachariah, showed up. He didn't want there to be a moment of hesitation.

"Have you found anything?" Castiel asked as Bobby stood and walked passed him.

"A pile of crap," Bobby grumbled as he took a beer out of the fridge, "These sons of bitches should be obvious with all the mojo they have."

Bobby took a large swig of beer and sighed deeply, "Anyone want one?"

"Yeah," Adam muttered as he squinted at the newspaper he had been flicking through for the past 20 minutes.

Castiel looked at him with squinted eyes, "Are you allowed?"

"Yeah," Adam muttered looking at the angel in a confident manner before catching the beer that flew his way.

Castiel doubted that but he wasn't about to argue with him while he was meant to be protecting the boy. Instead he made a mental note to inform Dean later adn just left it at that.

"Cass!" a voice suddenly echoed out of nowhere. The angel lifted his head and looked around to see that both Adam and Bobby were concentrating on the papers.

"Cass! We need you! There are too many!" the voice yelled again. This time Castiel knew exactly who it was and he stood quickly. It was Dean and he needed help. Now.


Dean held back the vamp as it tried to lunge for his throat. Sam was battling two or more to his right and he was desperate. His arms were beginning to give way as he held the knife begging for an oppourtunity to strike. He could see another vampire nearing and he thought that it was the end. His call to Castiel mustn't have gotten through and all that he could think of was that he had never told anoyone how he truly felt for them.

He felt the breath on his neck and he saw his brother fall to the floor a little way away and closed his eyes in a moment of hopelessness. However, death didn't come as he felt the bright light of an angel shine above him. Castiel had arrived.

He held a palm to the vampire's head in an act of pure anger and watched as it's eyes burnt out of it's head and it fell to the floor. He let his angel blade fall from his sleeve as he span and decapitated another as it ran for him. It's head hit the floor with a thump just before it's body crumpled down beside Castiel.

"Go and help Sammy!" Dean called to Castiel as he swung the knife through another one's throat.

"I won't leave you!" Castiel called back as he joined Dean in the middle of three that were all hissing at him viciously.

Castiel killed the first one with a simple touch of his palm before flying infront of Dean and stabbing the other hard with his blade. He turned to see Dean running towards his brother who was bleeding and on the floor.

More and more vampires seemed to be appearing and running at Dean. Castiel flew infront of them all and slammed two to the floor as light erupted from there faces before Castiel turned and stabbed one to his right with his blade.

Dean was blindly fighting his way towards Sam and slashing at every vampire that appeared in his path. Anger and pain drove him forwards as he watched the vampires cut and slice his brother. He didn't look at anything but his brother as he slit more and more throats in an attempt to reach Sam before his body gave up.

Castiel didn't know where they were all coming from. Everything seemed to blur together as he became increasingly tired from fighting off the vampires trying to get to Dean. He was using all the heavanly power he had left to keep them from touching Dean. He couldn't lose him, not like this. He had to do it.

Castiel called upon everything he had left, "Close your eyes!" he yelled as he let everything he had radiate from his body. The screams of the vampires sounded as they all burned from the purity flowing out of Castiel's grace.

As soon as the light died down Castiel fell to the floor panting not even able to look up and check if he had saved them both. His answer came soon after when Dean's voice cut through the deathly silence, "Sammy!"

Author Note: CLIFFHANGER! I hate to leave you on that note but it leads on perfectly to the next chapter. I am pure evil and I'm loving it! Mwa ha ha ha haaaaaaa! Please don't hate me too much...

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