Day 6 - Wearing Each Others Clothes

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Day 6 - Wearing Each Others Clothes

After the kiss the two men weren't sure about what to do about it. They both tried to act normal around the other two but since they were terrible actors it wasn't going so well. For example...

Dean walked into the living room and saw Castiel sat beside Sam talking to him about some sort of apocalypse related topic and he panicked. He didn't know where to sit!

He had two options. One: sit next to Castiel and risk his brother and father figure asking questions or making kissy faces and so forces Castiel to lie which everyone knew wouldn't work out as they both wanted. Two: Sit away from Castiel at the other side of the room and risk Castiel thinking that all he'd said was a joke and he wasn't really serious about him.

While Dean was stood in the middle of the living room having an inner monologue Sam, Bobby and Castiel had stopped their discussion to look his way. Dean was bobbing up and down on the spot with a look of deep thought written on his face and his head down. He looked completely confused and the thing that seem ed to be confusing him was the floor. It was all a little perculiar and it only got wierder when he began to hop from one foot to the other. He would hop onto one foot and lift the other up as if to take a step but then go back on it and repeat with the other foot.

All the time Dean was doing his little dance, Sam and Bobby were trying to hold in a laugh while Castiel watched with much the sme expression of confusion as Dean.

"Hey!" Dean shouted, scaring everyone half to death as hhe walked over to sit down beside Castiel, "What are you talking about?"

Dean had finally decided to go for the seat next to Castiel as he decided that it wasn't that suspicious as it may just look like he was eager to join the conversation not eager to sit next to Castiel. However, he was blissfully unaware of what he had been doing only a few seconds earlier.


To be completely honest though, Castiel was dealing with it far worse. Every time Dean so much as looked at him and he started to look back he had a major panic attack and flew out of there as quickly as he could. He wasn't really sure why because since the kiss he had begun to realise just how much the two had shared looks that no one else seemed to undertand even before they were really friends. Just by flying off all of a sudden he probably was going to arose more suspicion then if he just looked at Dean.

However, no matter how many times he told himself this he just couldn't stop himself everytime Dean raised his head and looked at him with those georgous, green eyes.


This didn't go on for too long however because one day soon after they both forgot about trying to hide their feelings from the other two.

It was a cold day with early morning snow falling when Dean was rudely awakened by a flustered Castiel. His hair was sticking up at all angles and he looked as if he'd fallen out of a tree.

"Dean, your brother called me, is there something wrong?" he said looking at Dean a little worriedly and quickly scanning his body for obvious injury.

"Geez, Cass, no I've not even woken up yet! Are you sure he called you this early?" He asked quite grumpily as he shuffled out of bed and up on his feet.

"I'm certain it was your brother. He said that you were in trouble and I should come and help defend you."

Dean sighed and proceeded to walk down the stairs in his pyjamas which consisted of a tight fitting t-shirt and some loose tracksuit material shorts. He practically fell down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Sam? Sammy?" Dean called with a small yawn as he meandered into the living room, "Sammy, why did you call Cass? There's nothing wrong with me! Sammy?"

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