Day 16 - During Their Morning Rituals

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Do You Love Me?

Author Note: What do Dean and Cass do of a morning? You're about to find out. Good Morning Vietnam! I don't know I'm just really REALLY tired... I just... *sigh*. I hope that you enjoy this chapter...

I hope that you enjoy this chapter! xx

Day 16 - During Their Morning Rituals

Now that things were beginning to return to normal Castiel and Dean were closer. They practically never left each others side and it was beneficial to the team as they always knew Castiel would be there but, it also meant that they could never talk to either of them alone. They were currently using the cliche couple phrase of 'everything you can say to him you can say to me'.

This made it hard for the Winchester brothers to sort out the problems they currently had with each other. However, where Bobby was concerned, not having his two adopted boys bitching to him about each other was a gift from heaven. Quite literally.

Currently the two were in the 'honeymoon phase' in which they were totally and completely in love. It was quite sickening to watch everyday but it did mean that the others got more time to themselves.


Every morning was much the same. Dean would awake beside a fully clothed and fully awake Castiel. Most days Castiel wouldn't sleep for a single minute. He would just lay down beside Dean and hold him close and breath in his scent until he fell asleep at which point he would attempt to sleep himself. However, it never worked. He was fully aware that he didn't require rest but he didn't want to leave Dean's side. He loved laying beside Dean and watching his peaceful features as he breathed without a care.

Castiel loved to see Dean in his sleep because he was just so calm unlike when he was awake. He was always on edge and caught up in dangerous and potentionally life threatening situations and when he slept that all seemed to disappear. It warmed Castiel's heart to no end and he loved it.

"Morning Castiel," Dean would say. His still half asleep mind would supply him with his full name which to Castiel's ears sounded odd coming out of Dean's mouth so he'd chuckled quietly to himself.

"Good Morning Dean," he reply turning to him so the first thing he'd see when he awoke was a friendly face. He wished that he could always be there so that Dean would never wake up alone.

"I had the weirdest dream," he would begin to tell Castiel because he knew that no matter what it was about he would listen.

Dean would detail any dream he had ever had be it one about a hunt or anything from one of his television obsessions he always knew Castiel would listen to it. That was something he loved about him. No matter how unimportant or uninteresting what Dean had to say was, Castiel would always listen.

In the morning's whenever Dean was telling him about his dreams he would take his hand in his and absentmindedly play with his fingers while listening intently. Dean got very distracted by the touch of Castiel's rough hands on his own so the telling of the dream took a lot longer when you added the moments where Dean forgot what he was going to say.

"And then I woke up," Dean would end the story with and Castiel would look at him softly and reply accordingly.

Ever since Castiel got together with Dean his emotional responses had got a little better and that improved the overall atmosphere around the house. It meant that Castiel wasn't as robotic and most of the time you would be able to have quite a good conversation in the couple of moments Dean left Castiel on his own.

"I suppose I should get up," Dean said sitting up and stretching. He would always give Castiel a quick kiss on the head before grabbing some clothes from the drawers and going for a shower.

Castiel would sit for a while just listening to Dean's voice as he sang rock songs in the shower. There was something that Castiel loved about his rough voice that meant he couldn't seem to pull himself away so many mornings he would sit and listen until the shower stopped and he heard the door slide open. He would then realise that he hadn't even started breakfast.


Dean's favourite breakfast was Castiel's pancakes. They were divine. Everything you could ever want in a pancake was what Castiel's pancakes were like. They were soft and perfectly round without any special tools required. Dean absolutely adored them so when he stepped out of the shower and smelt that delicious smell come wafting up the stairs he smiled brightly.

"What do you want today Dean?" Castiel shouted up as he flipped the pancake with one hand and searched the cupboards for his special pancake plate with the other.

"Maple syrup please," Dean shouted back.

"Where's your plate?"

"On the coffee table I think!" Dean shouted back with a smile before turning and walking to get changed.

"Got it!" Castiel said picking up the plate from the laundry basket with a shake of his head.

He carried it to the plate and finished drizzling maple syrup on the stack of five pancakes as Dean wandered into the kitchen in his favourite jeans (which he looked amazing in), dark green t-shirt and brown checked shirt.

"Thank you," he said to Castiel, taking the plate from him and giving him a quick kiss before sitting down at the table to eat.

Sam made fake gag noises from beside Dean as he ate a rather unappetising looking bowl of cereal.

Dean elbowed him in the ribs, "You're just jealous that I have an amazing boyfriend who makes the best pancakes in the world!" Dean finished by taking a humongous victory bite with a smug grin on his face.

Sam looked to his own breakfast and grimaced, "Can I have one?"

"Yes. What do you want on them?" Castiel asked with a small smile. He really enjoyed cooking and getting requests from anyone made him feel indescribably amazing.

"Can put app-"

"Finish that sentence and I will never speak to you again," Dean muttered looking at him in disbelief, "Don't you dare murder his brilliant pancakes!"

Sam chuckled and looked at Castiel's head that was tilted slightly in confusion, "I wasn't aware that pancake's were alive."

Dean laughed and smiled at Castiel, "Just go and make some of those georgeous pancakes."

Castiel smiled and went to make pancakes.

"You and Castiel are hoplessly and sickeningly sweet," Sam muttered looking up from his laptop quickly.

"We are like any other couple," Dean stated shoving another forkful of pancakes into his mouth, "You probably didn't have that with Ruby."

"Dean, I've, wanted to talk about that for a while now. I'm sorry about what happened with Ruby I really am-" Sam said before Dean interrupted.

"It's okay," he muttered between mouthfuls of pancakes, "It's all forgotten I understand how you must've felt."

He looked towards Castiel who was flipping pancakes in the kitchen and smiled slightly before returning to the conversation, "We good?"

"Yeah," Sam said smiling and brushing his hair out of his face as Castiel walked into th kitchen with a steaming pile of pancakes. Maple syrup was slowly dripping off the top and Sam's mouth began to water.

"I hope you like them," Castiel said sitting down beside Dean who wrapped one hand around Castiel's.

Sam took one bite and his eyes lit up, "These are incredible!"

No one had ever seen Sam eat anything that quicky before and they couldn't help but laugh loudly. Everything may be the same but the recent past had changed everyone for the better leaving them happier than they ever had been before.

Author Note: Finito! I sat for a while trying to figure out what to write after the first paragraph but I finally managed to get something down. I hope you liked it!

I would love to read what you thought so please leave a comment. It really would make me smile and jump up and down with joy!

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