Day 14 - Gender Swapped

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Do You Love Me?

Author Note: WARNING This is the chapter that I have been dreading from the very beginning so it will be very loosely genderswappy (yup that's a word). Sorry about that.

Day 14 - (The Dreaded) Gender Swapped

It was another normal day for the Winchesters and co. They had awoken early to find that Bobby had fount them a case in Iowa. From the papers it seemed to be some sort of ghost attack but you could never be too sure recently due to the increase in the craftiness of many of the oldest monsters. It was getting harder and harder to judge what they needed so they usually found themselves taking every stake, silver dagger and salt pellet they had on practically every hunt.

It happened just as they were about to leave. One minute they were all laughing and joking around about the last time that Bobby had seen Garth (really, how was he still alive) when suddenly Bobby was thrown to the floor.

Light surrounded them all as the familiar boom of a voice that every one of them despised entered the room, "Well, well, well, found your little hide out at last baby brother," Raphael said with a look of superiority about him.

Castiel shifted round so that Dean was beside him as Sam ran to the older hunters side to help him to his feet, "What do you want?"

Raphael shook his head, "Castiel did you really need to ask?" he looked at the angel who had one hand hovering over his angel blade within his coat pocket, "Your head, on a blade."

Dean opened his mouth to respond but Castiel looked at him and he closed it again. He couldn't let Dean say something when Castiel wasn't sure he'd be able to stop Raphael from hurting him. Instead he just stood there between his least favourite brother and the love of his existance.

"Why do you want me Raphael. As far as I know, I haven't done anything to upset you," Castiel spoke clearly and to the point. It wasn't that he was scared as such he just knew that nothing was worth winding him up especially when he was stood with the three people he cared about most besides his family.

"There could be the fact that you are trying to stop the apocalypse or it could be the fact that you aren't in heaven where you belong and you're on earth in the company of these apes," Raphael spat, crinkling up his nose as he looked at Dean stood behind Castiel, "You've grown particularly fond of one of them I see."

"Don't you touch him!" Castiel shouted roughly barely letting Raphael finishing his sentence as he grabbed the angel blade from his pocket and held it infront of him and held one of Dean's hands. He wasn't risking leaving him behind if he had to escape abruptly. No matter how much damage it may cause him he wasn't going to leave Dean alone with his brother.

"Touchy!" Raphael responded with a laugh that rolled around the room, "What could you possibly do if I did try anything anyway?"

Castiel slumped a little at his words but tried to stand tall for Dean. He would do everything and anything to keep Dean safe. Anything.

"What is he saying Cass?" Dean asked quietly from behind.

"Nothing. Nothing is going to happen to you, Sam or Bobby. I can and will protect you. I will not let you slip away," Castiel said looking into Dean's eyes.

When he turned to look back to his brother he found him right in front of him, his angel blade pointed directly at his throat with a deathly smile on his face.

"What's to stop me from silling your blood right in front of your little boyfriend here," Raphael whispered harshly, nodding a head in the direction of Dean.

"You son of a bitch! Take your hands off him!" Dean yelled trying to get in front of Castiel. Castiel wasn't going to let him though. He wasn't going to risk loosing Dean so he pushed him back.

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