Day 29 - Caring For The Other When They Are Sick

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Day 29 - Caring For The Other When They Are Sick

Castiel and Dean were back to normal and the love that they had for each other warmed the entire houses atmosphere. Wherever they went the others couldn't help but smile as they saw the couple looking lovingly at each other; it was perfect.

Dean had never been happier. He was so worried before he proposed. He thought that maybe, after what they'd been through, Castiel might say no. Dean didn't know what he would have done if Castiel had said no and luckily he didn't have to ever again because he had said yes.

Castiel was extatic and he had been thinking of nothing except Dean since the proposal. He would sit with him in the comfortable silence that he had missed just twirling the plain silver ring around his finger not caring about anything. He loved Dean and now that was the only thing that mattered; they would be together and nothing could break them apart.

They'd also been stronger during fights recently. They had very quickly found the horsemen's rings and now that only needed Death's before they could end the apocalypse. Castiel couldn't wait to set up the cupcake shop with Dean.


"So, any news as to where Death is at?" Bobby asked strolling into the room where the other four were sat and getting comfortable in a chair.

"Not yet," Adam said looking at the computer infront of him, "I've tralled the Internet and nowhere has a large amount of deaths and there doesn't seem to be any reapers busy at the moment. Sam?"

Sam cleared his throat and ruffled the paper in fron of him, "Well, nothing just yet but we should probably have another chat with Gabriel because..."

Sam held out the newspaper for them all to see. There was a rather grusome picture of a man lying dead on his laptop. All his fingers were missing and his eyes had been burnt out. Without the fingers gone it could have been any angel but the guy was lead writer for a gossip magazine which had recently being doing an expo on 'Angel's in the Bedroom'. It was Gabriel alright.

"You've got to admit, he's got style," Dean complimented the archangel with a small smirk.

Another thing was that Dean and Gabriel seemed to be getting on a lot better than they previously had. Everyone was thinking that it was probably the time they had spent setting up the proposal stuff or it could just be that Gabriel was the big brother. Whatever it was, everyone was glad because they had all had enough of the arguments when Gabriel came round.

"I'll call him if you want," Castiel suggested distantly. He was half listening to the conversation as he admired the ring on his finger. It was perfectly smooth and shined beautifully in the sunlight that flooded through the window. It was of medium thickness and it's plain and simple style suited Castiel magnificently.

"That'd be great," Sam said with a small smile as he saw what Castiel was doing. He turned to Adam to see that he was looking too. Nobody could deny that they made the cutest couple.

Castiel looked up at them all and nodded before using 'angel radio' to call his brother. Just before he could begin however he heard the familiar high pitched yell of Zachariah ring through his head.

He'd been calling Castiel since yesterday and he'd tried to ignore him at first. He couldn't take Adam to Zachariah after the recent events; he just couldn't do it. Dean would be heart broken and Castiel would never be forgiven.

It was getting harder and harder to bear though. Every hour or so he would send his signal but louder and it would cause his head to ring and burn. He had been just about able to cope with the last one adn hold back from shouting out but this one was different. He could feel every ounce of anger and it shot through his head with such force that he couldn't hold it back any longer.

He let out a loud yell and clapped his hands over his ears, falling onto the floor and clutching his ears with tense hands.

"Cass!" Dean yelled falling to his knees beside him as Castiel screamed; the wailing just wouldn't cease, "Cass! What's wrong?"

Adam stood and ran through to the kitchen to get a glass of water. he quickly returned and through the water at the angel. If it was a memory or something in his head a sudden shock form outside might of snapped him out of it.

It didn't work but the shriek died down and Castiel unfurled breathing heavily. He had tried so hard to hold all of it in but the intesity threw him off and he couldn't do it anymore. He lay down and got his breathing back to normal hoping, praying that Zahariah would leave him alone. He wasn't sure that he could take another one.

Dean looked at his teary angel as he lay on the floor gasping. He didn't know what had happened and it worried him. He thought he'd seen everything but that shook him to his core and he didn't know how to help.

"Cass?" he said quietly looking up at the others and gesturing for them to leave. He needed to talk to Castiel alone and figure out what was happening, "Cass? What's happening? What was that?"

Castiel took in a deep breath and gripped Dean's hand as he lifted him into a sitting position against his side. He couldn't tell Dean what the problem really was. If he held out for a bit longer then Zachariah would have to give up, wouldn't he?

"I just..." Castiel starting leaning against Dean, "Something just happened on the 'radio line'."

Dean looked to Castiel. He didn't believe him.

"I'm okay n-"

Castiel never got to finish his sentence as another screach burst through his head even more powerful than the last one. Castiel tried so hard to hide it from Dean but as he began to squeeze Dean's hand tighter he could and he screamed burying his head in Dean's chest and grabbing his t-shirt in tight fists.

His muffled screams panicked Dean again. He din't know what to do so he wrapped his arms around Castiel and rocked him gently whispering in his ear, "I love you; it's all going to be okay. I'm here Cass," over and over in an attempt to calm him down.

It seemed like an age before he finished screaming. Dean could feel Castiel's breath through his t-shirt as he began to whimper slightly. His tears were soaking into the shirt but Dean didn't care; he just wanted to know what he could do.

"Cass, please tell me what's wrong," Dean pleaded lifting his head up so he could look into his eyes.

"I can't," he whimpered back breathlessly, "I can't Dean."

Dean placed a small kiss on his forehead and picked him up gently. He couldn't leave him on the floor he had to take him upstairs so he wouldn't injure himself.

Castiel knew that Dean could probably help but he didn't want to ruin everything that had happened over the past couple of days. He couldn't lose him again.


"I just don't know what to do Sammy," Dean said quietly as he sood with his brother, bottle in hand, outside Dean and Cass' room, "He's in hysterics."

Sammy brushed his hair behind his ears and sighed. He didn't know what to say to his brother and he didn't think that he ever would know. Dean loved Castiel more then Sam had ever seen anyone love anyone and he couldn't begin to imagine how this was making Dean feel.

A scream rose from the room beside them and their heads both flicked to the door. They ran in and closed the door behind them.

Dean immediately ran to Castiel's side and hugged him tightly hoping that he'd stop. His screams where horrific and it was painful to listen to. Every yelled broke Dean's heart further and they seemed to be getting more frequent and Castiel seemed to be in more pain each time.

"I can't do it anymore!" Castiel yelled as he began to get his mind back, "I can't do it Dean, please understand I can't."

Dean held Castiel's hand and stroked a lock of hair out of his face, "What can't you do? Please Cass, just tell me."

Castiel looked at him gently and held a hand to his face, looking at him lovingly, "I have to do it."

Author Note: This one counts as Castiel being sick because that's what it looks like to Dean. I have left it on a cliffhanger again because I'm mean. The final chapter is tomorrow and there will be a super important author note as a separate chapter that I would really like you all to read afterwards.

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