Day 4 - On A Date

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Day 4 - On A Date

Castiel was better. Dean of course was happy at his quick recovery but a little suspicious. He saw the injuries and without Castiel being able to heal himself, he should have been down for a while. Dean knew this and so did Bobby but Sam didn't seem to be bothered. He was making up things like 'maybe angels heal at a different rate to humans'. Dean knew that something was going on but he was so happy to have Castiel on his feet that he didn't have the heart to push it.

Sam was trying to push Dean off trying to find out about why Castiel had healed so quickly. Because Sam knew, if Dean found out he wouldn't be best please. The truth was, Gabriel had visited Castiel. Due to many things from the past, Dean wasn't that fond of Gabriel and to be honest no one could really blame him; he had killed him a couple of hundred times.


Sam didn't have the heart to kick him out when the man found the archangel beside Castiel's bed. He was just stood there. Sam could see the glisten of hateful tears in his eyes as he brushed his thumb over Castiel's hand. It was the night after the game marathon and Castiel had gotten worse again and Dean was once again looking for an answer, any answer to get his health up.

"I know you're there Samsquatch," Gabriel muttered wiping his face and letting go of his brothers hand.

"I was... I just had to..." Sam stuttered rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's okay," Gabriel said, turning and giving him a half-hearted smile.

Sam smiled back a little and walked beside him, "Can you do anything?"

Gabriel laughed a little and looked at his baby brother once more, "Of course I can. I don't why he couldn't have done it himself."

"He said that Raphael must have done something to it because he'd tried and he couldn't heal himself," Sam told the archangel whose features crumpled in confusion.

He closed his eyes and laid a hand on his chest. He opened them again and sighed loudly rubbing a hand over his light brown hair, "Cassie, Cassie, Cassie, what have you done?"

Sam looked at the angel infront of him puzzled. As far as Sam was aware Castiel hadn't really done anyhting since they had found him in the warehouse. Dean hadn't let him out of his sight and to be quite honest it was very sweet but it was a little bit annoying since the other people in the house weren't as fond of him as Dean. Everytime Castiel said something with a tilt of his head, they all sighed and shook their heads. All except Dean who would just laugh.

"I knew about what was happening to him but, I didn't think it would ever get this bad," he sighed.

"What's wrong with him?" Sam mummbled stepping closer and looking at the angel.

Gabriel sighed again and a light emmited from his hand as he healed Castiel, "He'll tell you in his own time I'm sure."

Sam nodded briskly and before he could reply Gabriel flew off.


Sam wanted so much to tell Dean what happened just to get him to stop having off side conversations with him about it but he was sure Castiel knew what had happened and he should tell him.

"It's settled we'll go out for dinner then!" Bobby stated as the other three walked into the room.

"I have no need for nutrition," Castiel stated in his usual unemotional voice. Now he was fully recovered all emotion seems to have disappeared with it and he was once again driving them insane.

"Come on man. What's the point in being in Team Freewill if you aren't going to go on team dinner's with us all?" Dean asked looking at him sternly.

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