Day 8 - Shopping

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Day 8 - Shopping

Since the two had decided that they were ofically going out things had been a little different. When everyone had free time they would sit and play games or watch a movie and Dean would sit beside Castiel with an arm around him. Castiel would snuggle close to Dean and just the sweetness of it all would give everyone in the room cavities.

When they were on hunts, Castiel would come along and stay rather than flying off and twiddling his thumbs just waiting for them to call because he knew that Dean wanted him there. Hunts became much quicker as almost everything could be killed with a quick touch from Castiel then they would be back to their usual ponderings on how to stop the apocalypse.

They had become seemingly unseperable since the happenings at the convention and Gabriel was more than pleased with himself for coming up with the plan.

"I made that happen," Gabriel said to Sam as he walked into the room to grab another beer.

"Yes, we know," Sam said swinging open the fridge and grabbing a beer, "You tell us practically everyday. There would have got there by themselves eventually. Why did you even bother with it?"

"Because it was taking too long! We all knew it was going to happen, they just needed a little push in the right direction," Gabriel said clicking a lolly pop into existance and pooping it in his mouth, "They seem so much happier now. Dean's face doesn't look like as much of an arse all the time."

Sam chuckled a little as he looked at the two men sat on the couch. They were currently playing 'Super Mario Bros' and Castiel was once again trouncing Dean. He was currently helping him get up onto a block so they could both move forwards through the area to wards the boss.

"We could play 'Kirby' instead. It's a little easier."

"Shut up Cass. Damit!" Dean shouted as he fell off and died once again.

"I was just thinking-"

"No!" Dean yelled back again as he died about a second after respawning.

"Dean is a terrible gamer, lolly pop?" Gabriel asked holding out one of the sweet treats to Sam who shook his head and took a swig of his beer.

"He never has been good at them. I remember one time when-"

Sam never got to finish hid sentence as Dean walked into the room and punched Sam on the arm, "Don't be telling the dick with wings my life story Sammy."

"Dean that's my brother," Castiel called from the couch where he was sat.

"Yeah, yeah, don't remind me," he muttered with a smile. He flung open the fridge and his face fell when he saw that there was nothing but salad left inside.

"Where's all the real food?" Dean asked grabbing a beer and shutting the fridge viciously. He took a large swig and leant on the counter beside Sam.

"If by real food you mean crap, there isn't any," Sam replied looking at the angel sat in front of the television. Castiel had just beaten the boss while carrying Lugi (Dean) the whole time.

"We've gotta change that," Dean muttered taking another swig, "Bobby! We need food!"

"Get it yourself, ya idjit!" the surly man yelled back from his 'office'.

Dean sighed and shifted himself off the counter, "Want anything?" he asked looking at the angel and his brother who both shrugged.

"Cass, you want anything?" he asked walking to the angel who had just finished another level with Lugi proped on the red plumbers head.

"No, you know I don't require nourishment," he stated simply looking at him questioningly.

"Just asking, you wanna come with?"

"Yes," Castiel replied with a smile as he stood and followed Dean to the door.

"Hey, Cass," Sam called before he had chance to leave, "Just thought I'd warn you. Dean has a pie face."

When Castiel glared back at him with confused he proceeded to explain.

"It's a face that he pulls to get you to buy him pie and lots of it. He did it to me once and before I knew it we were driving down the round with a back seat full of different pies. It's a face only the strongest can resist. I thought I'd warn you because he's most likely going to strike you with it," Sam said patting Castiel's shoulder before letting him go.

"He's not going to last two minutes is he?" Sam asked swiging his beer.

"Nope," Gabriel replied popping the 'p' and sticking the lolly pop back in his mouth.


When the two men arrived at the shops everything started quite smoothly. They picked out some chips and burgers along with some pasta (Castiel insisted that they get some 'proper' food) and some pizza. However, as soon as they passed the other pastry treats they were faced with the pies.

Dean halted and looked at the incredibly large mountain of pies before him and licked his lips. There was a plethora of pies before him, each one he read sounding better than the last and his mouth was beginning to water. He turned to Castiel but before he could say anything Castiel held up a hand.

"I was told not to buy pie," Castiel said bluntly looking Dean right in the eyes with a stern expression, one that said I have told you no and that is final. However, Dean was never going t except that. It was pie they were talking about and no matter how much Castiel meant to him, nothing and he meant NOTHING was going to come between him and his pie.

"But Cass, I won't get too much. Just a couple of pies," Dean pleaded, looking into the angel's eyes and stepping a little closer to him.

"I was very clearly instructed to keep you away from the pie and to make sure that we didn't purchase any at this time so the answer is no Dean," Castiel stated, looking at Dean with a hard and unmoving expression.

The he pulled out his secret weapon. The pie face. It wasn't anything like Castiel had expected. From the way Sam had explained it Castiel was expecting a look that could kill, a look of pure poison. But it wasn't anything like that. It was worse. SO. MUCH. WORSE.

The pie face was one of pure sadness. The look that graced a puppy's face when it's left out in the rain. The face a baby makes just before it's about to cry, the one where it's bottom lip quivers and it's eyes shine with unfallen tears. All the sadness that Dean had ever felt seemed to go into that face and Castiel looked him right in the eyes and with a shaky breath he whispered, "No..."


"I couldn't do it Sam," Castiel told the man as soon as he got back from the shop.

"Cass, what have you done," he pulled then pie face and... I couldn't-"

"We're back!" Dean said as he strutted in the door with the widest smile anyone had ever seen him with and an armful of...

"PIE! That's the pie smile! Cass, what did you do?" Sam shouted looking at his older brother as he stuffed about a month's (It would be probably gone in a week with the way Dean got through pies) worth of pies into the fridge.

"I couldn't say no Sam. He looked at me so sadly and I couldn't keep myself from giving in and giving him what he wanted."

"Dean-o got you there I'm sorry to say," Gabriel said ruffling Castiel's hair, "Baby bro, you are hopeless."

Dean stepped into the house with yet ANOTHER armful of pies and Castiel's face fell. He didn't think he'd ever be trusted to go shopping with Dean ever again.

Author Note: Soooooooo... What did you think. This one was hard but once it got going I think it turned out okay, not my best but it's not completely terrible, right?

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