Day 27 - Doing Something Ridiculous

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Day 27 - Doing Something Ridiculous

Castiel had been so wrapped up and hidden, drowning in his emotions recently that he had nearly totally forgotten about the task that Zachariah had set him. He had to get Adam and he was starting to wonder whether he could do it. He had nothing against the boy and he knew that he couldn't wish becoming an angel -let alone archangels- vessel upon his worst enemy. He feared that the boy wouldn't last a week with Michael possessing him and after all the torture he may have to be put through just to get him to agree; he wasn't willing to think about it.

He was struggling to remember times that he had been happy with anyone. Every pleasant time was becoming clouded slightly so he would sit with Dean and no longer remember what the twinkle in his eye looked like when he laughed. It wasn't helping that Dean knew something was wrong.

He knew Castiel and therefore he knew when something wasn't right with him but not what it was or how to help. He sure as hell wasn't giving up though so he was constantly considering every option and desperately trying to figure out how to help.

Castiel, however, was unable to tell him. The fact that he was beginning to seclude himself from everyone in a desperate attempt to make his own conclusions meant that he wasn't giving anyone that chance to help.

One day he'd left the house to be alone. It was spring so a light breeze flowed through the air and parted each blade of grass slightly. The flowers dappled with sunlight that shone through gently waving trees; only broken by shadows of families on days out with the wind trailing through their hair.

Castiel sat alone.

He had his eyes closed as he tried to piece together a single memory from the time that he'd spent happy with Sam and Dean.


"Ready or not, here I come," Dean yelled loudly from the side of Bobby's house.

After a particularly stressful week of constant hunts and crappy diner food the boys we starting to wind down when Gabriel showed up. He was doing one of the 'Cass Checks' -as he had begun calling them- which usually meant causing havoc then leaving.

This one seemed apparently a little different.

He had suggested hide and seek tig and while it was a harmless game, the Winchesters weren't really sure what the archangel was going to get out of it which worried them, greatly.

Gabriel had immediately dragged Castiel into it who agreed because, even in heaven, he never was able to say no to games that his big brother organised. Therefore, Gabriel knew full well that Dean would have to join in. Sam would probably join to and luckily for Gabriel he did so they could begin the game with quite a good group of players.

Dean had lost the round of 'ibble obble' that Gabriel had completed meaning that he had to be 'it' and look for everyone before tigging them.

The game had simple rules and the other three men just went along with it. They didn't really see any point in trying to say no and it couldn't hurt them to play a childish game like that again.

Castiel had trouble with understanding the benefits of the game but after they explained that it was just for fun -and Dean had given him a small kiss of encouragement- he ran away like everyone else had when Dean began to count.

"Ready or not, here I come!"

Dean span quickly hoping that his favourite angel would still not have understood the game and be stood right behind him. He had no such luck.

He sighed loudly and and rubbed his hands over his face as he once again asked himself why he was playing this game. He came up blank and just decided to try and find them because the sooner they were found, the sooner the game would be over.

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