Day 19 - In Formal Wear

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Author Note: I hope that you enjoy this chapter! xx

Day 19 - In Formal Wear

The boys had had a few cases over the past weeks but not really anything of significance which was a pleasant surprise but a little worrying. With Adam's choice to stay with the Winchesters rather than go off with the other angels, they had expected at least one encouter with Zachariah but so far not even a minor angel had arrived.

To Adam this didn't have any draw backs because he was starting to enjoy his time with the Winchesters and to be frank, he didn't want to see those lying bastards ever again. He'd been lied to enough times in his first life and he wasn't ready to be lied to again in his second. He just wanted to be able to spend some time with the family he had left and not end up wrapped up in the archangel feud going on. He knew that while he was with the Winchesters something was going to happen but it was better than being some angels 'meat suit' as he had heard everyone of them call it at one time.

The case they were currently on involved a nasty string of attacks that seemed to be that of a trickster. Of course they immediately suspected that Gabriel was causing mischief but he assured them that he wasn't. While Dean was reluctant to believe him (when was he ever willing) everyone else did so they were on the case anyway.

It was driving Bobby insane to be cooped up in the house and Adam wasn't staying home alone (Sam's orders) so this meant that everyone was on the case.

"Agents Harrow, Smith, Kale, Troggon and Byott what seems to be the problem?" Dean asked as everyone held out their badges in sync, except Castiel. It took him a little time to find it and show it the right way round, "He's new."

"What is this? An FBI convention or something?" the officer asked looking at the five 'FBI' in front of him, "It's really not a case that we can't handle."

"We were all in the area," Sam stated while sliding his badge back into his top pocket, "Now, can you tell me about the first victim, Henry Malcov?"

"Er sure. He was a pillar of the community. He did charity work, he was a primary school teacher, the best one I've ever seen. Everybody loved Henry," the cop told them all.

"Any enemies, secrets?" Adam asked looking at the cop and trying to hide a smile. He knew that that was always Dean's question and he could almost feel his stare boring a hole into the back of his head.

"Enemies, not so much but," the cop looked to the side secretively and leaned forward. All of the men leaned forward after and listened carefully, "There's a rumour going round that he was sleeping with at least three other women. All about 20 or so. Scandalous so I could see why maybe his wife would kill him if she found out but, I can't think of any reason she'd kill the other three."

The cop stood up straight again with a small smirk, "You didn't hear it from me though."

"Thank you for your help," Bobby said plucking a buisness card from his pocket and handing it the the man, "If you think of anything else then just ring that."

With that the cop walked away leaving them to stroll towards the door.

"Cass, got anything?" Dean asked as they walked towards the door.

"No EMF or Sulfur that I can see," He said looking to the rest.

"Well Sam and Adam can go and see the wife, I'll hit the books and Cass and Dean-" Bobby was interrupted by a shout from another officer.

"Hey! Feds!" he called from a little desk in one corner of the station, "You should come to the police get together tonight."

Sam raised an eyebrow and pulled an unintentional bitch face at the man.

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