Day 24 - Making Up Afterwards

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Do You Love Me?

Author Note: This chapter is a major plot development so read it fully and take everything in (apart from the mistakes... *coughs awkwardly*).

I keep forgetting to tell you guys that there are probably a load of mistakes in these chapters because I am completely exhausted and I'm getting more and more so with each chapter because of the time that I upload and the fact that I have now been up late for the past 24 days... I'm practically a zombie at school XD

Day 24 - Making Up Afterwards

Castiel started silently at his brother for a moment before replying, "I can't do that."

"I was afraid you'd say that. I have to admit that Dean is a good actor," Zachariah sighed turning from Castiel.

"What do you mean?" Castiel asked. He knew full well that he shouldn't trust Zachariah and that he was probably trying to trick him but the mention of Dean made him curious. He couldn't see him because Castiel understood that he needed time with Sam but if Zachariah knew something then Castiel had to ask.

"You really have become his pet," Zachariah laughed, "Can't you see it brother? Dean, Sam, they're playing you."

Castiel looked at Zachariah dumbfounded. They couldn't be. They wouldn't, "I know the Winchesters and they wouldn't play anyone, especially not me."

Zachariah snorted as he held back a small laugh, "Oh nieve little Castiel, that's all the Winchesters do. It's the 'family buisness remember; decieveing people and huting creatures like us."

"No!" Castiel shouted looking at Zachariah and willing himself to not believe a word of it, "Dean loves me!"

A laugh erupted from Zachariah as he looked at his forlorn brother, "To him you're just a monster; nothing more, nothing less. You didn't seriously believe that a hunter would love an angel; they're just playing that game to keep you on their side. They've had it done to them so it wouldn't exactly be a stretch for them to do it to you. I seem to remember a demon, Ruby was it?"

Castiel was suddenly holding Zachariah against the wall and looking into his eyes in pure anger. He was trying to not let his brother get to him by telling himself that none of it was true; that Dean truly loved him. However, that was hard when everything he was saying was true.

Dean and Sam had been lied to and they have betrayed each other and their bond was stronger than anything Castiel had ever seen. If they could betray each other then they could definitely betry him. They lie on a daily basis and Castiel had gotten so wrapped up in everything that they did that he himself couldn't tell when they were lying. Everything Zachariah had said had truth behind it but Castiel couldn't believe that everything Dean had said to him about loving him and wanting to protect him was all a lie.

"You're lying," Castiel growled viciously.

"Cassie," Zachariah said quietly, "I can see right through you; you know I'm right."

Castiel shook his head and kept his expression firm in an attempt to hide that Zachariah was right. He couldn't listen to him.

"You're wrong. Dean and Sam Winchester have stuck by me and they wouldn't betray me," Castiel muttered through gritted teeth.

"Only when it benefits them. The oldest and youngest hunters had to get you while the other two walked straight passed you. You had saved them and they left you to suffer alone on the floor."

Castiel's grip loosened on Zachariah as he realised that he was right. They had left him without thinking; without saying a word. For all they had known he could've been dead and they wouldn't have known. The man he loved (who was supposed to love him back) hadn't given him so much as a second glance.

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