Day 3 - Gaming

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Day 3 - Gaming

Castiel was beginning to recover and no one knew why. While Dean was feeling a lot better in knowing that his friend was getting back on his feet, he still wanted to know what Raphael had done so he could get back at that son of a bitch and give him what he deserved. As much as Castiel told Dean that Raphael didn't deserve what Dean had in mind for him he just couldn't let him get away with it and surely Cass would want to get back at him. Sometimes Castiel confused Dean but he didn't dwell on it too long as he could see in his eyes that it was upsetting him.

"Dean?" Castiel called from the room upstairs. Dean had given up his room, bed and clothing for Castiel not without arguments from the angel. But eventually, Castiel gave up because he knew that Dean was never going to give up.

"What's up Cass?" Dean called back from his seat on the sofa with Sam who was currently setting up a new console that Bobby had recieved from a hunter friend who 'didn't need it anoymore'. They suggested it as a small form of payment for Bobby's services. In his opinion, the man was just wanting rid of it.

"I want to come down the stairs."

Castiel wasn't sure what Dean was going to say. For some reason Dean hadn't let Castiel do anything for himself since they brought him here. Inside, Castiel knew he was just trying to help but Castiel was getting bored and he needed to do something.

Dean wasn't really sure about letting him down the stairs. The angel still couldn't walk further than across the room upstairs never mind fly. While it seemed that his wound had healed Castiel was clearly holding back and it obviously pained him to move too much. Dean had been hoping that by resting upstairs he'd recover but it was becoming apparent that maybe he needed to move around.

"Come on Dean," Sam spoke up, turning from shoving wires in the back of the machine, "You can't keep him hauled up in that room forever."

"This doesn't concern you Sammy," Dean said a little distantly.

"Yes it does. I have to hear you two bitching about each other all day everyday. I have every right to intervene and you need to let your little angel fly from his nest in your room upstairs," Sam said agitated at both what he was talking about with Dean but mainly the fact that the wires didn't seem to want to fit in any of the correct spots.



"Dean!" Castiel shouted from up the stairs.

"Coming!" Dean shouted back before glaring at Sam and turning to go up the stairs.


"I'm going to help you down the stairs and then you can sit on the couch and play a game on the consel Sam is setting up," Dean commanded.

"Okay," the angel replied and began walking out of the room.

"Hey!" Dean yelled before wrapping one arm around the man's waist, "I said I was helping."

Castiel sighed a little. While he did love that Dean was helping him so much he wasn't a baby and yes maybe he wasn't at full strength but, they were only stairs.

It turns out that the help Dean supplied was actually necessary. Castiel sumbled half way down the stairs and Dean only just managed to catch him.

"Thank you," Castiel said breathlessly as he stood again.

"You're welcome," Dean said hoisting him back up as they continued to the bottom.


When the two managed to get down the stairs Sam had finished setting up the 'Wii' and Bobby was looking at him and rubbing his hand over his beard.

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