Day 17 - Spooning

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Day 17 - Spooning

A while ago now, the Winchester boys had found that they had a younger brother called Adam. They had got on as well with him as maybe the could have due to the amount of time that John had spent with both of them. Dean had never really opened himself up to Adam from the moment that he saw him and they started butting heads as soon as they met. All of this didn't make the image of his dead brother stop from entering his dreams from now and then.

Castiel knew that Dean wasn't going to say yes to Michael any time soon and that fact was a little worrying. While he didn't want Dean to give in to Michael he didn't like the possibility that Adam could come back. If he knew his brothers he knew that they Michael wouldn't give up and the youngest of the Winchester brothers seemed to be an option. However, with his demise that meant bringing him back and Castiel wasn't sure how the two boys would react to that.

So when he felt Zachariah raising someone he sat upright and disappeared.

"Cass?" Dean said sitting bolt upright and looking at the space where the angel was previously, "Sammy! Cass has flown off!"


Dean and Sam sat downstairs on the couch. Dean kept looking out of the window in the hope that Castiel would return and tell him what was going on. He was worried. Castiel had been leaving less and less abruptly recently, making sure that Dean knew exactly where he was going and what was going on. Something must be bad to make him leave without so much as a goodbye.

A flutter of wings sounded around the room and a shout of "Get your hands off me!". Everyone turned to see Castiel stood beside a confused and rather umimpressed looking Adam Milligan.

"Castiel?" Dean said moving towards him and looking in astonishment at his thought to be dead youngest brother, "What did you do? Adam died."

"I know that Dean. It was me who did it, it was Zachariah," Castiel said looking at Dean who grimaced back at him before turning to Adam.

"What did he tell you? Spit it out," Dean said looking at Adam with no air of humour to his voice.

"For one, not to trust you two. I'm not stupid," Adam said crossing his arms and looking at them all with an air of finality.

"And they probably didn't tell you that they only brought you back to be an angel's vessel!" Dean yelled at Adam.

"I know. I agreed now, can I go now?" he said going to walk out the door. Before he could Dean pushed him onto the sofa.

"You agreed? What did they promise you because, whatever it was I can guarantee they are lying!" Dean ranted at him.

"I'll take the chance," Adam said snippily and went to stand up again. Dean once again push him back down.

"You need to think about more than yourself and your own needs!" Dean yelled pointing at him angrily.

Sam gave Castiel a look that said to hold him back.

"Dean I think you should-" Castiel started, placing a hand on Dean's shoulder before he interupted him.

"I'm going to get some air!"

Everyone watched as Dean grabbed his coat and walked through the door slaming it after him.

"I'm sorry," Castiel muttered looking apologetically at both the other men in the room, "He gets very emotional. He just wants to protect you Adam. Angels are tricky and while you have no reason to trust me while I am one myself but I know my brothers and whatever they have promised you, it's a deception. They will only do things they promise if the outcome benefits them and I can't see that anything you could ask for would be of use. I'm sorry but I don't."

Castiel gave Adam a sympathetic smile before flying out to find Dean and hopefully calm him down. Sam stood with Adam.

"What Castiel said wasn't a lie. We've had a lot of experience with angels and Castiel and on ocassion Gabriel seem to be the only ones we can trust," Sam explained sitting down beside him, "I just want to say that you shouldn't get your hopes up."

"I just asked to see my mum again," Adam said putting his head in his hands and sighing, "I just... I just want to believe that maybe they can bring her back to me. It's all I want."

Sam looked at his little brother before and he reminded him of himself. Everytime he lost anyone close to him he was always straight to the closest crossroads to get them back. Without a thought he would give the things that he fought for the majority of his life exactly what they wanted.

"I understand," he says, "I was only 6 months old when my mum died and everyday I wish that I could have known her properly just so I had some memories of her. Anything. Other people's stories aren't the same. I just want some memories of my own to remember her by."

Adam looked at Sam and smiled slightly. He had never even considered saying no when Zachariah appeared to him. He just couldn't think straight when he was faced with a chance to bring back the only blood he had left. He wasn't really close with his brothers and that was understandable so even in death he had felt completely alone.

Angels were meant to be trustworthy so he never considered that they would work in political ways. He just wanted to be reunited with his mother.

"Thanks Sam."


Dean just drove. He wasn't sure where he was going or what he was going do when he got there but he knew that he wasn't going to stop driving. People being so selfish when all he ever does is sacrifice himself drove him insane and he knew that he shouldn't be that annoyed but it severely pissed him off.

"Dean," Castiel muttered as he appeared beside him causing Dean to swerve the car.

"Son of a bitch, I thought you weren't going to be doing that anymore. That's a good point are you okay after dropping in like that?" Dean asked looking at Castiel quickly with a worried expression.

"I'm perfectly fine but I'm worried about you. Adam didn't understand, Zachariah can be very persuasive and I can see why he would have agreed. He must have been offered something in return," Castiel told him looking across at Dean.

"I know. Thank you for coming Cass," hesaid rubbing his face before holding Castiel's hand smaller hand in his own, "Can we sit for a bit?"

Castiel nodded and squeezed his hand gently as Dean turned into a picnic area car park.


The air was cold as the two men laid just off from the quiet road in complete peace just looking at the stars. Castiel was laid with his head on Dean's chest and listened to his heartbeat slow and steady.

"Thank you for this," Dean said slowly, turning towards him and looking into his eyes, "I just... I lost it with him in there and I really needed this."

Castiel looked at him lovingly and entwined his fingers in his own and kissed the back of his hand gently. He turned over keeping Dean's hand in his own and shuffled up against chest holding their hands close to him.

"I'll always be there for you," Castiel muttered, his breath skating across the top of Dean's hand, "No matter what happens, no matter where you are, I will be right there beside you to talk to and to keep you safe."

Dean kept his arms around him and let him play with his fingers and stroked the back of his hand with his thumb, "I will always be there for you too Cass."

"I said that first," Castiel said with a small laugh that Dean loved so much. He loved everything about the man currently laid infront of him wrapped safely in his arms. He kissed the back on his neck gently and closed his eyes just focusing on the sounds of Castiel's breathing as they lay in comfortable silence. They didn't need to say a word as there actions said everything. They loved each other and that's all that either of them needed for the rest of their lives.

Author Note: I didn't want to make this chapter short just because of the very basic prompt so I'm hoping that you enjoyed this very much and that you thought it was suitably cutesy. The cuteness of my chapters is what I love to be judged on.

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