Day 12 - Teaching Each Other Something

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Day 12 - Teaching Each Other Something

It was a well known fact that Castiel wasn't as emotionally developed (to put it nicely) as he should have been and while Dean was used to it and it was one of the things that made his smile just a touch brighter everyday, it generally caused a few arguments in the household.

For example, after a particulary hard hunt they all returned home covered in blood and completely exhausted. While Dean was ready to settle down infront of the television with his angel the other two just wanted to sleep. But earlier they had foolishly made a promise.


"We promise Cass!" Sam shouted finally giving in to the angel's inssecant plees.

Castiel had recently begun taking an interest in what Dean liked because after a talk with Gabriel he discovered that that was what couples were meant to do. He had been trying to take an interest in the cartoon people in comprimising positions that Dean seemed to enjoy so much but he was quickly informed that that really wasn't the way to go.

So, after a lot of thinking, Castiel decided to try and take an intrest in Batman. He really wasn't sure what Dean loved about the man so much because, in Castiel's mind, Dean wasn't much different from Batman. When he researched him it seemed that he was a man with gadgets, a deep voice and a good will who assumed a secret identity to fight crime in a bat suit. And when Castiel looked at Dean he saw the same, minus the bat suit and his gadgets were slightly less hi-tech but everything else seemed to be the same.

Castiel just couldn't wrap his head around it so he had asked to watch one of them when they returned that evening from the hunt. Unfortunately for them, Castiel never forgot a promise.


"Hey Cass," Dean muttered sleepily sauntering over to him and kicking his shoes off.

"Hello Dean, Sam, Bobby," Castiel muttered as he looked at the three hunters confused. They were all barely standing and their eyes were flickering closed and they seemed to be moving in the direction of the stairs.

Within a second, Castiel rounded them all up and seated them on the sofa with Bobby flopped in a chair.

"Castiel, not now. We're tired ya idjit," Bobby said the words without the ususal umph they carried.

"Promises are not to be broken," Castiel stated slotting the disk into the machine and seating himself beside Dean, " If you had no intentions of watching 'Batman' with me then you shouldn't have promised. I never forget a promise."

Sam sighed heavily and prepared to settle down for a doze on the sofa. However, before he could drift off to sleep he felt a small, blunt object hit his cheek.

"Hey," he said, sleepily batting his hand in front of his face in an attempt to keep whatever had struck him away.

"Sam, you must stay awake or you may miss a crucial moment," Castiel said frowning at the tired giant and nestling in towards Dean.

"Dean, control your man," Sam said sleepily, "He's pissing me off and a man, well at least a human one, needs his sleep."

Sam turned away from them and just began to drift off again when he felt a sharp jab on his ribs, "You made a promise Sam."

Castiel then noticed that Bobby too was asleep and he glared at him before starting to stand. Before he could storm over to Bobby and flick his face too, Dean grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his side.

"Cass, I love you and everything but, at the moment, you're being a dick," he said in the softest and most understanding voice he could currently muster.

"I don't understand," Castiel responded with a slight head tilt.

Dean sighed heavily and pushed down the tiredness pulling him into unconciousness and looked at Castiel, "I'm going to teach you to sense the mood and act accordingly."

Castiel looked at Dean even more quizically then previously.

"Okay. Well as you can tell, we are all absolutely exhausted," Dean said gesturing to the now fast asleep and snoring hunters around them, "It's moments like these that you need to ignore anything that we may have promised earlier and just let us sleep. You angels may not need it but we sure as hell do. And it's not just sleep. It's food and water, we need these things to keep us going and we can't just skip out on them. Understand?"

Castiel looked at Dean for a few minutes before nodding slightly.

"So what I do is ignore everything when you are eating, drinking and sleeping?" He asked with a voice that sounded as if he knew exactly what he was talking about when really... he didn't have a clue.

Dean sighed slightly and shook his head. This was going to be a long night and he knew it.


The next morning the household awoke to the sounds of bacon sizzling under the grill and eggs frying in a pan. Muffled voices floated in form the kitchen as the deeper one gave an instruction and the next followed it.

"Now you need to turn the bacon," Castiel instructed Dean as he watched him flick oil over the eggs.

Dean ran to the grill and reached out to grab the bacon and flip it but gave himself a giant shock as his whole hand connected with the hot meat.

"Crap!" Dean yelled as he dropped the meat swiftly back onto the grill and gripped his hand.

"Dean. You need to slow down and think about what you're doing," Castiel instructed as he led Dean over to the tap and placed his hand under a jet of cool water, "The kitchen is a dangerous place and you can't afford to be careless."

Dean looked at Castiel with a raised eyebrow, "I've been in vamp's den's a little kitchen isn't anything for me to worry about."

Castiel looked between him and his hand that was slowly beginning to cool again under the water.

"I see your point," Dean muttered pouting a little.

Castiel shook his head and went to turn the bacon himself, "Keep that under the water," he commanded.

Castiel turned the bacon with ease (he couldn't burn himself anyway since he was an angel) and then glided over to the pan where he saved the eggs form nearly becoming charcol and turned the sausages in the other pan. Dean just stood with his hand under the water and his mouth hanging open.

"How do you know how to do that?" he asked watching as he sped around the kitchen with ease, adding salt and pepper to one pot, stiring another and taking out the hash browns.

"Heaven isn't as amazing as humans seem to believe it is and even with hundreds of siblings things can get a little boring. I got bored and when I did I would watch the chefs on earth. Something about cooking just interested me and I learnt from observation,"He explained while taking out another two eggs and placing them on a plate in the oven to keep warm.

Dean nodded and looked at his hand, "Can I take this out of the water now?"

Castiel drifted over and looked at it before kissing Dean's palm lightly, "I think so. Come here and let me show you how to fry an egg without burning it."

Dean followed behind Castiel as he took another two eggs and put them onto the plate before cracking two more into the pan.

"Let the eggs form a skin at the bottom before trying to do anything," Castiel started but he was quickly distracted when Dean wound his arms around his waist from behind, "Dean, I'm trying to cook," He pointed out while flickiing oil over the egg lightly.

"Dean, are you even listening. You need to learn how to cook," he said turning to look at Dean over his shoulder.

"No I don't," he said smiling at him, "I'll always have you."

Author Note: Yaaaaaaaay! Cooking! I always have imagined Cass as the cooking type so here you are Cooking Cass. Please comment because I would love to know what you think and if you are enjoyed it then vote because it would make my day!! Love you all!! xx

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