Day 18 - Doing Something Together (Seasonal)

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Day 18 - Doing Something Together (Seasonal)

As the days became longer and the cold winds died down Adam still stayed with them. Sam had been a great help to him and he had begun to trust his judgement and therefore he'd begun to trust the other people around the house.

Bobby hadn't really been an issue as he had told him that 'any son of John's is a son of mine'. That made things a lot easier for Adam to trust the surly man as much as many people seemed to.

Castiel and Dean were a different story altogether though. They were very much to themselves and Adam could tell that Castiel was one of the only people Dean fully trusted. Dean would get stressed and Castiel would always be there to calm him down, go for a drive with him if needed and it warmed Adam's heart. However, due to their closeness, they weren't particularly relaxed in letting Adam in.

Sam had never done anything to push Adam away and they had become quite close. They would talk about things that they did during the 'normal' part of their lives. Sam would talk about his time at university with Jessica and Adam would tell stories about times with friends before all of this happened. Sam was supportive and he began to look up to him.

"Sam?" Adam asked sitting down beside the taller man, "Can I go somewhere? Not that I don't love dingy, dusty rooms but I would love some fresh air."

Sam chuckled and leaned back into the couch, "I'm sure Cass and Dean will take you somewhere. They can't be in the house to long. Castiel will get bored and make some sort of delicious sweet thing and we'll all be forced to eat it."

Adam laughed a little, "That is something I don't mind apart from the fact that I feel like I've probably eaten my own body weight in sugar while I've been here."

"Yes but fighting evil burns plenty of calories," Sam added while brushing his hair from around his face.

"I can agree with that," Adam said with a smile before Dean and Castiel entered the room.

"No Cass for the hundredth time, I don't need anymore food," Dean laughed as he collapsed into a chair and patted his lap for Castiel to sit on.

"Are you sure though?" Castiel asked sitting on his knee and leaning back into his chest.

"Yes," Dean said kissing his cheek and smiling happily.

"See," Sam whispered, nudging Adam with his elbow, "It's already begun. Save Dean from Castiel's delicious but horrifically fattening food!"

Adam smiled and shook his head before turning to the couple and sighing, "I'm too late Sam. They're staring again."

Sam peered around Adam and sure enough Dean and Castiel were lost in each others eyes.

Sam smiled and got up from the chair, "Quickly. I've been waiting to try this."

Adam sat up and tottered after Sam who went out to the shed to look in some boxes, "I've been keeping these in here for a long time," He explained lifting out a box form the shelving units and placing it on a dusty table, "It took a while to find the box itself and I've just been waiting for the right time to use the contents"

Adam looked inside the box with confusion, "What are we going to do with those?"


"Fetching," Adam said looking at the two who were still transfixed on each other.

"I agree. They look beautiful," Sam said holding back a chuckle.

"What was that box made of though? I mean, they are still so fresh."

"I'm not so sure but I think that there must have been some spell put on it. It's not particularly evil on it's own but it once contained the head of a dead God so," Sam explained looking at his brother and Castiel.

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