Day 15 - In Different Clothing Styles

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Day 15 - In Different Clothing Styles

After Castiel was back to being Castiel rather than Jemima Henderton, a young nurse who worked at a hospital in Missouri, the boys had to take her back.

"Stop asking so many questions!" Dean yelled as the girl opened her mouth to ask another.

Castiel turned around to look at the still slightly scared looking Jemima, "I apologise for him. He is tired and doesn't want to have to take you home."

Dean sighed and looked at Castiel quickly, "You're just making me sound like a kidnapper Cass."

"That wasn't my intention-"

"I know Cass, I know," Dean muttered shaking his head slightly and placing the hand that wasn't on the wheel on Castiel's.

"Can I just say," Jemima started, "You two make the cutest couple!"

Sam, who had unfortunately been sat in the back with her, just nodded slightly and looked away. He was of course happy that Dean and Castiel were together but he had enough of the hugs and hand holding and the odd kiss when they thought no one was looking; he really didn't need someone telling him how cute they were yet again.

"Thank you," Castiel said looking at her and smiling slightly.

"You are very welcome," she smiled with a bright smile of her own before turning to Sam, "What about you hot stuff?"

Sam looked at her a little quizically, "Are you talking to me?"

"I don't see any other piece of ass that fine in here," she said with a small smirk at the expression of confusion currently on his face, "Got a lady or a man in your life?"

"Lady and no not at the moment. My last relationship didn't exactly turn out that well," he added thinking back to Ruby, "Sorta put me off relationships a little."

"Oh," she muttered, "You sound exactly like this guy in a series of books I'm reading. He's called Sam and he's tall and handsome, a lot like yourself. He drives around in an Impala like this one with his brother... what's his name? Denis, no, Dexter, no... Dean. He's called Dean. The series is called 'Supernatural'. Have you heard of it?"

"Has everyone read that god damn series," Dean yelled slaming his hand on the wheel.

"So you have heard of it!" she exclaimed with excitement, "I'm a Sam girl myself. I just like his plot line of becoming a monster. It was really touching. What do you think... erm... I'm sorry I never asked your name," she said tapping Castiel on the shoulder.

"Castiel," he replied turning round to look at her, "I prefer Dean. He is more attractive and I think he is special and everything about him is captivating and true."

"Aww. Someone has a crush on Dean!" she said in a sing-song voice, "Hey-"

"Jensen," Dean added quickly before Castiel could supply his real name.

"Jensen, I think you might have some competition!"

Dean shook his head and squeezed Castiel's hand lightly, "I think I'll be okay."

"Oooo!" She shouted out quickly as Dean turned the Impala into a small driveway, "Did you hear? They are bringing out another book!"

"Goodie!" Sam shouted sarcastically, "Sadly, it's time for you to go."

"Well it was nice meeting you all," Jemima said a little sadly, "I hope to see you all again soon yeah?"

Sam nodded a little. As she walked away he ran a hand over his face and let out a huge sigh. He hoped that he never ran into her ever again. She was exhausting.

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