Day 21 - Baking

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Do You Love Me?

Author Note: This chapter is... cutesy. I forgot this one was hear before the feelsy ones. I'm really nervous about all the feels but enjoy this cutsey one... WHILE YOU STILL CAN! Mwa ha ha ha haaaaaaa!

I hope that you enjoy this chapter! Author Note at the bottom! xx

Day 21 - Baking

The engagement party was only a couple of days away when the group recieved a desperate call from the hunter, Dave. When I say desperate I mean desperate. He was practically in tears and near to having a panic attack because the person making the cupcakes for the party was unable to anymore.

It may seem like a very small thing to be that worried about but when you were expecting everything to be perfect, anything was a big worry. Even the smallest thing out of place was a disaster because it gave way for other things to go wrong. That was why he rang Dean.

Previously, when they went to the pub on a sort of getting hitched celebratory drink, Dean had been talking about Castiel's pancakes. He was bragging about how amazing Castiel was and it resulted in Castiel getting quite embarassed and saying that if he ever needed any food for the party or the wedding he would be there. This meant that as soon as he was informed of the disaster he got straight on the phone to Dean.

Castiel now had 400 cupcakes in 4 different flavours to make in Bobby's tiny kitchen in two days. It was going to be hard.


"Sam, can you call Gabriel please?" Castiel asked as soon as Dean hung up the phone, "I need him to get ingrediants and I'm going to need more ovens and space. Bobby he's going to have to alter your kitchen slightly. Dean I need an apron and some oven gloves."

They all did as they were told while Castiel turned to write a list of things he needed Gabriel to get including decorations. Dean looked at him and sighed slightly. He was unexplainably attractive when he took control of situations like that so Dean went to get the special apron and oven gloves he had secretly bought Castiel a while ago.

When he returned Gabriel was stood with Castiel as he motioned to the kitchen units as if moving them around with his mind and Gabriel nodded with a surprisingly serious face. As soon as Castiel had finished Gabriel snapped his fingers and within a blink of the eye Bobby's less than clean and rather cramped kitchen turned into one that you may find at a michelin starred restaurant. There were at least 3 ovens that Dean could clearly make out as ovens along with a long row of mixers and various other machines that Dean had to admit he hadn't got a clue what they were for. It looked incredible.

Castiel smiled thankfully at his brother before handing him the list. Without another word Gabriel disappeared and left Castiel to check that everything was in the right place.

"Erm, Cass?" Dean said as he walked towards the slightly stressed angel, "Do you know how to use all this stuff?"

"Yes," Castiel stated clearly, "Are those for me?"

"Yeah," Dean muttered handing him the folded apron and gloves before going for a walk around the sparkling kitchen. It was amazing with everything that anyone could possibly want to cook with. He assumed that this was something Castiel had been dreaming of for quite a while now and to be honest he did looked a bit happier.

When Dean managed to fin his way back out of the winding maze of shimmering metal he smirked as he saw Castiel in the apron and kissed him gently.

"What was that for?" Castiel asked puzzled as Dean pulled away.

With a smile Dean gestured to the apron that said, in bold, red type, 'kiss the cook', "You can't ignore the apron."

Castiel laughed a little and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt just as Gabriel arrived with bagfuls of ingrediants.

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