Day 28 - Doing Something Sweet

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Do You Love Me?

Author Note: This chapter is hopefully sweet so therefore it should be cutesy! I really hope that it is sweet enough for you all!

I really hope that you enjoy this chapter xx

Day 28 - Doing Something Sweet

Castiel remebered everything as he walked steadily through the field that he and Dean had once been so happy in. He wished that it could be like that again but he sadly realised that it couldn't.

He was too tired and too depressed to fly back so he walked slowly back towards that older hunters house. He scraped his feet along the floor and thought about what he was going to do after he'd got his task over and done with.

He knew that he would no longer be welcomed in Bobby's house and even though he knew that Dean never did truly love him it hurt. He couldn't imagine what he would have become if he hadn't met the Winchesters and fell in love with Dean. He may not even be alive and he owed Dean at least that but he couldn't disobey his brother.

As the angel arrived at the front of the house he stopped. The smell of rose petals hung in the air around him and he looked up to see that the ground just infront of him was covered in them. The rose petals where beautiful and looked freshly laid out. They formed a path that lead into the hunters house and that in itself intrigued Castiel.

He wasn't sure what the petals were for or why someone would have picked them all off the heads and laid them out. He had to follow them and find out.

He slowly followed the path, treading gently over all of the petals and into the dark house.


The room was dark apart from a few candles and light that were in the room. The room itself had black clothe drapped over the walls with small lights oking through it creating a starry night sky effect. The candle light made shapes flicker accross the drapes on the walls and it looked magical. The flickering candlelight cast shadows of the roses in the middle of the grand table onto the plain black clothe that hung directly behind the table.

Castiel didn't know what to think nevermind say as he looked at the elegant black stands that held candles either side of him. He span on the spot in disbelief and took in the circle of rose petals that he was currently stood on as well as the path that was lit by candles either side and then looked towards the table.

"Hello," Dean muttered as he watched Castiel take every little bit of the decoration he had put together -with the help of Gabriel-. It was all how he'd hope and wanted it to look. It was perfect and to him, Castiel deserved nothing less than perfection.

"H-hello Dean," Castiel stuttered as he walked closer to Dean, "What is all this."

Dean shrugged and pulled out a chair for Castiel to sit in before passing him a handwritten menu that merely read 'Dean's Special'.

Castiel chuckled lightly at the menu as Dean walked behind the curtain to finish up the meal. This left Castiel to wonder what was going on. He couldn't understand why Dean would be doing all of this for him when Zachariah had said he didn't love him. Nothing was adding up but Castiel was beginning to forget all about it as he took in the beauty of the room that Dean had put together just for him.

"Bon Appetite!" Dean exclaimed as he placed a burger in front of Castiel. He laughed slightly as he looked at it.

"Thank you," Castiel muttered happily as he waited for Dean to sit before beginning to eat. He took a large bite and smiled as the delicious taste filled his mouth, "This is fantastic."

"Thank you Cass," Dean smiled taking a bite of his own, "I try!"

Castiel only nodded in response as he took another humongous bite of his burger. Dean nearly spat his out as he laughed at the angel -who 'didn't require sustanance'- eating the burger as if it would run away if he stopped for a second.

Castiel took a breath and looked at Dean who was still laughing slightly and began to laugh himself.

"I've missed your laugh," Dean said quietly as he reached across the table and held one of Castiel's hands gently. He stroked the back of it with his thumbs and watched him lovingly.

Castiel looked back at Dean and pushed everything away so he could spend one last day with the love of his life before he betrayed him. He couldn't even bring himself to think about what Zachariah had said because he just had to give into his heart for one last day and let himself love even if it was just a lie. He had to.

"I've missed you," Castiel muttered looking away from his face and down at their intertwinned hands.

Dean opened his mouth to reply but an oven began to ring from the kitchen and he closed it again. He stood slowly and let go of Castiel's hand so he could get the dessert.

Castiel felt the cooler air hit his hand as Dean removed his hand from around Castiel's and Castiel sighed gently. He knew that he would have that feeling until the end once he had done what he had to do. Now, however, wasn't the time to be thinking that and he banished every one of those thoughts from his mind as he waited for Dean to return.


Dean was nervous. He really didn't need to be because it was Castiel, the man he had loved since the moment he had met him in that dark room with Bobby. But, he couldn't forget the past few days in which Castiel had been completely different. He wasn't sure what exactly was wrong but he knew that they could sort it out together.

"Pie time!" Dean called as he walked into the beautiful room and laid the pie on the table. He looked to Castiel and smiled as he thought about all the good times he'd had with him before and after they had got together. It has only been a little while since they had, in the winter, but to Dean it felt like so much longer.

He served up the pie and ate, clenching and unclenching his hand nervously. Why was he nervous?

"This delicious Dean," Castiel told him eating it all happily.

"Thanks," Dean replied looking to Castiel and returning the smile. Now was the moment.

"Castiel," Dean started cupping both of Castiel's hands in his larger one, "I know that recently I've upset you and you didn't derve that."

Castiel opened his mouth but Dean held up a hand to stop him, "Don't try and say that you did because you didn't. You've always been there for both my bother and I and I shouldn't have told you that you didn't. I was wrong and upset and I... I just shouldn't have because you are my perfect angel and I can't imagine life without you. So..."

Dean dug his hand into his pocket and got onto one knee at Castiel's feet. He lowered himself into the petals and slowly opened the box. A small silver ring sat in the center of the box.

"If you 'll take me, please," Dean voice cracked slightly, "Please will you marry me?"

Castiel sat for a minute unable to comprehend what had just happened. It finally begun to sink in, Dean was proposing to him. He wouldn't, why would he unless, unless he really did love him. Over these past few days he had chosen his corrupting brother over then man that he had spent time with; the man who loved him and he loved back with such strength and completeness. How could he have been so stupid.

"Of course... Dean, of course," Castiel muttered barely audibly as he began to cry. He felt the touch of delicate metal slide over his ring finger before Dean's arms wrapped tightly around him and he felt warm, safe and... loved.

Something he thought that he'd never truly felt for the past few days but he now knew that he would never lose.

Author Note: I nearly cried writing that! It was cute so I hope that you enjoyed it! They are together again and this time they are engaged!

We are on the way to the end. Only two chapters left. I really hope that you enjoy it and have enjoyed it this far! I love you all soooooo much!

Votes and Comments would be greatly appreciated!! xx

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