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Okay hey guys.

I'm Caroline* this is my first complete book
so don't be shy on the comments and votes.
And if there are chapters you don't like or something
I'm really sorry. And i'm really sorry if there are words
not spelled correctly.

So a little about the book.. Well there is
a lot of drinking and maybe so now and then
smoking of weed. So i'm sorry if you are against these
things. I don't know yet if there are going to
be sex scenes but i'm 70% sure there won't be.


I will put up a clear warning if there is one. So you don't
have to worry your innocence. Haha just kidding.

But i really really hope you enjoy this book.

Oh and there are a few scenes where the main
character cuts and selfharms so please guys if
you are going threw something and you really need
someone to talk to please please don't hesitate to message
me. I really do know what you're going threw.
I've been in many of situations where i just wanted to die.

And yes i have thought of ending my life or just running away. BUT please pretty please just know that life is worth fighting for and that no matter how hard it gets you can and will get threw it.

So i'm here if you need me!!



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