T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"Everything good?" Eros asked the moment he saw Robert approaching just after he finished calling.

"Yeah. Better even. Seems like both are ladies are having fun." Robert grinned as he sat down beside Eros who offered him another cold beer.

"You two have something special to do tonight?"

"Yup. It's our anniversary actually." Robert shared before having a drink with his beer, looking out the calming sea.

"Oh. Congratulations then."

He gave a chuckle. "Thanks." He was silent for a moment before he sighed. " Can't believe it's been 5 years. I never thought I could recover from my previous relationship. God, I thought I would lose myself. Have you ever thought that despite of the world's cruelty and unfairness, it would still offer a little happiness?"

"Yeah. Sometimes."

"That's what I would always think when I look at Wendy. She's my happiness."

"You're lucky. Not all could have that "happiness." Eros sighed, looking straight at the horizon before he gave out a small chuckle that made Robert wondered if he said something funny. "You know, if she was able hear you right now, she would definitely be annoyed."


"Yeah. She...she doesn't believe in those kinds of things. Finding true happiness with another person nor true love nor even the sincerity of a person-it annoys her to think that people are just fooling themselves with childish fantasies."

Robert simply smiled. "Seems to me she must have experienced something unwell. If that's the case, I understand why she thinks that way. Cynical people were once believers of happy ever afters."


"Of course. Although, they may sound negative but it always depend on how they take things their way. I may not know who you are talking about but maybe just maybe, she's scared of something. Maybe she hasn't realized it yet."

"That is such a common thing to say."

Robert laughed. "Well, it's true. We tend to deny the things that really weakens us, that fears us.She doesn't have to live with a dark cloud on her head all the time."

"Yeah. Maybe you're right. I wish I could make her realize that there are people who are willing to make a happy ever after for her. It may not be perfect though but still..." He thought of Psyche at that moment.

"How about Psyche then?"


"Is she your happiness? Your imperfect happy ever after?"

He took a long pause. He let his mind wander at that moment, looking back all those years he has been trying to deny that Psyche was his happy ever after. But, he doesn't want to deny no longer.

It's about time to let it out.

"Always has been."

10 minutes has passed and finally, Psyche was able finish explaining everything as they were standimg at the streets. She told her what has happened from the fake proposal to the fake engagement and to the fake status they have and the real reason behind it.

But, Wendy continued stare at her even after she was finished.



"Wendy?" Psyche gave a little wave at Wendy to check. "Hello?"

"That..." She finally responded.

Confessions of a CynicWhere stories live. Discover now