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As the two friends walked outside they got greeted by two guards "where do you kids think your going?" one of the guards asked causing Tanner to look over at Riley. "Were just getting some fresh air that's all" Riley replied as she gives the two guards the best innocent smile she could give. "Ok but make it quick, as you two kids should know by now that's giant come to the town tonight" the guard grumbled down to them causing Tristan to gulp.  "Yes sir we know" Tristan replied causing the two guards to nod, "glad to here it" one of them replied as he made his way down the long alleyway.

Once the two guards walked around the corner Riley took off running in the opposite direction "come Tristan we gotta hurry before they come back!" Riley yelled back at her friend. "Riley maybe we should listen to them and head bark in!" Tristan yelled back in fear causing her friend to shoot her a look. "Come on, this is my chance to find my dad" Riley replied as she stopped dead in her tracks as he peeks around the corner. "Look I know how badly you want to find him, but what I am saying is maybe its best that you don't" Tristan replied walking up to her friend.

"I need to find him Tristan" Riley whispers as she looks back at her with friend in sadness, "I have to" Riley said again as she quickly wipes the tears out of her eyes. When Tristan saw her friend wiping the tears away her heart broke into a million pieces "lets go find your dad" Tristan replied with a warm smile. "Are you sure this time" Riley asked with a hopeful smile, "yes I'm positive this time" Tristan replied.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now