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As Riley looks up she saw it was a giant boy looking down at her with worry writing all over his face "umm" Riley said as she slowly backs away causing the young giant to frown. "Aww come on, I won't hurt you" the boy replied as he slowly reaches for her. When Riley saw the massive hand coming towards her she quickly gets up on her feet and takes off running "hey come back!" The young boy yelled as he watches the tiny child running down the road. Just as Riley taking she's going to get away she got snatched up by another giant "it's ok bro I caught her" the giant said as he smirks down at the tiny human.

"Good now hand her over Tony" Blake said walking over to his twin brother with a smile. "Umm no she's mine now" Tony replied as he pressed Riley close to her chest causing her to whimper. When Blake saw the human whimpering a small frown appears on his face "look you made her cry" Blake replied as he walks in front of his brother. "I didn't make you cry, did I?" Tony asked looking down at her with worry in his eyes. When Riley saw both giants looking at her she cried even harder "please let me go!" Riley cried out causing both giants to look at each other.

"Sorry we can't do that" Tony replied rubbing the back of his neck causing Riley to look up at him in fear. "And why can't ya?" Riley sniffed as she rubs the tears out of her eyes. "Well for one, there's more giants out there hunting for humans, and for two your safe with us, so your coming home with us" Tony replied placing Riley in his chest pocket. Once placed in his pocket Riley quickly started to punch his chest "you can't do this!" Riley yelled.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now