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Once in the kitchen Adrian gently placed his baby girl on his shoulder "what do you want to eat sweetie" Adrian asked as Riley slowly crawled over to his neck and gave it a tight hug. "Pancakes please daddy" Riley replied as a small smile spreads across her little face. With a nod Adrian open up the cupboards and gathered up the ingredients that he needed "who was taking care of you?" Adrian asked looking down at her with a worried look on his face. "Our neighbor Mrs. Moon, and couple of other people" Riley replied causing her father to slowly nod.

"Where did you guys stay?" Adrian asked as he slowly pored the pancake mix onto the frying pan. When Riley heard her father asked her smile quickly turned into a frown as she remember Mrs. Moon telling her to tell no giant "I'm not aloud to say daddy" Riley relied. "Hey it's ok honey, I'm just glad you were safe for all of that year" Adrian replied giving her child a reassuring smile. "When Riley heard that her father understood why she couldn't tell her smile reappeared on her face "your the best daddy" Riley said causing her father to chuckle.

"And you better remember that" Adrian replied placing the pancake onto the plate, "I know this pancake is huge to you, but eat what you can" Adrian said as he walks over to the table. "What about the rest of it daddy?" Riley asked looking up at her dad with confusing in her eyes, "well I'm going to eat" Adrian replied placing the plate onto the table. "Umm daddy when we're done can we play hide and go seek since we didn't get a chance to finish it?"'Riley asked as she got placed onto the kitchen table. "Sure, but I get to hide first this time" Adrian replied as he gently pokes his baby girl stomach causing her to giggle.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now