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Once the arrived back at the store they heard a man yelling "calm down, I'm just returning the bed" Dean mumbled as he pulls out his bed and gently placed it back down. When the man saw the massive man placing the bed back down he decided to poke fun at the giant "so the giant thief brought it back huh" the man said causing Adrian to glare at him, "watch it" Adrian said as he slowly started to walk away from the building. "That's right coward walk away! And don't let me find you stupid human here again" the man yelled causing Adrian to stop.

"Honey stay here" Adrian said softly as he gently placed his child down on the bench, "ok daddy but we're are you going?" Riley asked as she tilts her head to the side. "Just back there to talk to him" Adrian replied softly as he heads back to the man, as he got closer he heard the man laughing. "Hey we're that stup-" but before the man could finished Adrian snatched him off the ground "you listen here bug, you keep my child out of this if you know what's good for you!" Adrian snapped causing the man to shake in his grasp.

"Let me go freak!" The man yelled causing Adrian to chuckle, "oh I'll let you go alright" Adrian replied as he hangs the man on the highest tree branch by the back of his shirt. "Hope your not afraid of heights little man" Adrian replied leaning towards the guy as his face darkens "call my child stupid or any other name, you better run as fast as you can" Adrian said causing the man to gulp in fear. When Adrian saw how scared the man is he slowly walked away with a smile, "nobody calls my daughter names and gets away with it" Adrian said to himself as he hears the man yelling for help.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now