Ch 30

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When Adrian saw Mrs. Moon laying there he gently reaches over to her and scooped her up "come on Mrs. Moon wake up" Adrian said as he gently shakes her with his pointer finger. After a few moments Mrs. Moon slowly started to come to and when she opened her eyes she saw a giant green one looking at her "please don't eat me!" Mrs. Moon yelled. "Mrs. Moon it's me Adrian" Adrian said softly causing confusion to take over the little humans face, "Adrian is that really you?" Mrs. Moon asked in shock. "Yeah it's me, and I hope you don't mind me bowering a bed" Adrian replied as he gently places her down.

"So I take it your little girl has found you" Mrs. Moon said with a smile, "yeah she did, and umm, thank you for taking care of her" Adrian replied. "Oh your welcome sweetheart, see you around some time" Mrs. Moon replied as she walked out the door, "you too" Adriana replied. After a few moments Adrain's little girl came walking through the door "I'm ready to go" Riley replied looking up at her father with a smile, "same here" Adrian replied as he gently picks her and the bed up.

( sorry for the short chapter not feeling so good)

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