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As Adrian heads back into the kitchen he saw his girlfriend and her two boys sitting at the kitchen table "hey Riley and I are wondering if you guys want to go out for a picnic" Adrian asked causing both boys to look up at him in shock. "How do you know her name Adrian?" Blake asked tilting his head to the side, "she's my daughter" Adrian replied as he looked down at his little girl. "Sure we well go, but how do you know that she's your daughter?" Kim asked walking over with a confused look on her face.

"A father just knows" Adrian replied as he gently placed his little girl inside his shirt pocket, "and boys, thank you for finding her" Adrian said causing the Tony and Blake to smile. "Your welcome Adrian, and can we go now?" Tony asked as a smile spreads across his face, "yeah go get ready" Adrian replied causing both boys to take off running towards the front door causing Adrian to chuckle. Once the boys had their shoes on they came running back in the living room "ok you two lets go!" Tony said as he grabbed a hold of Adrian's arm and started to pull him.

Time skip

Once they arrived at the park Adrian slowly placed the blanket down "Adrian can we go play?" Blake asked with a small smile on his lips. "Sure buddy" Adrian replied looking up wt him, "and can Riley come play with us" Tony cuts in causing Adrian to look at him. "I don't know" Adrian replied rubbing the back of his neck causing both boys to frown, "please we'll be careful" Blake said giving Adrian a reassuring smile. "Alright, just be carful with her" Adrian said gently pulling his baby girl out and handed her over to Blake. "Thanks Adrian" Blake replied walking off to the playground with his twin brother right behind him, as Adrian watches them walk off worry started to take over.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now