Ch 9

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"I can't believe we actually caught a human, I though the other giants ate them all" Blake said looking over at his twin with a huge smile on his face. "I know, now I'm just come up with a plan to get her pass mom and her boyfriend" Tony replied as gently pats his pocket. When Blake heard that his heart stopped "shoot I forgot about them" Blake mumbled as he runs his hand through his messy blond hair. As the two brothers are making there way down the road they saw their mother walking towards them "you better tell her to stop moving" Blake whispers over to his brother. With a nod Tony gently presses Riley closer to his chest "oh hey mom how are ya?" Tony asked with a fake smile.

"What did you guys do now?" Mrs. Brown asked as she crossed her arms over her chest causing both boys to look at each other. "Come on mom, you know us, we would never do something we weren't suppose to" Blake replied causing her mother to roll her down eyes. "Ok you two lets get going, supper almost ready" Mr. Brown replied as she wrapped her arms around her boys as they made there way down the street. "I hope your boyfriend cooked, because his food is really good" Tony said looking up at his mom with a smile, "yes it is honey" Mr. Brown replied.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now