Ch 11

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20 minutes later

"I hope your hungry" Tony said walking in with couple pieces of bread and a little bit of meat. When Riley saw the brothers walking in with some food a small smile spreads across her face "yeah I'm starving" Riley replied as she watches the brother walking over to her. "Can you tell us a little bit of yourself" Tony asked as he gently placed the food down in front of her, "well my name is Riley and I'm looking for my father" Riley replied picking up a pice of meat. "Hi Riley, my name is Tony and this is my twin brother Blake" Tony replied taking a seat on his bed.

"Hi Blake and Tony" Riley said with a smile as she takes a bite out of the pice ham that they brought up for her. "If your looking for your father don't you think you should look in the human territory?" Blake asked looking down at Riley with confusion in his eyes. "I got told by Mrs. Moon that he's giant" Riley replied causing both brothers to look at each other with confusion, "if you want you can stay here for the night, than in the morning we we'll help you look" Blake replied causing a smile to spread cross her face, "Thanks! I really appreciate that" Riley replied.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now