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"Hey is everything ok?" Kim asked as she watches her husband and her two kids walking over to her, "yeah everything is ok, Riley skinned her knee all up" Adrian replied as he takes a seat next to his girlfriend. When Kim heard that she looked down at Riley with worry in her eyes "are you ok sweetie" Kim asked as Riley looks up at her. "Yeah I'm ok, just my knee is sore" Riley replied as her father gently placed her on to his lap, "are you hungry sweetie?" Adrian asked in a soft gentle voice. When Riley heard her father's question her stomach started to growl "yes daddy I am, but what kind of food do you have in the basket?" Riley asked as she points at it.

"Well there's sandwiches, pie and couple of cookies" Adrian replied as he slowly lifts up the lid of the basket. "Umm can you rip off a pice of the sandwich please?" Riley asked, "sure sweetie" Adrian replied picking up the sandwich and slowly rips of the pice. "Eat as much as you can ok" Adrian said as he handed over the pice of the sandwich, "ok daddy I well" Riley replied with a smile as she takes the pice of the sandwich and took a huge bit out of it.

As they are eating Kim couldn't help but think about were the poor child is going to sleep "umm Adrian honey?" Kim said as Adrian looks over at her. "What's wrong?" Adrian asked as he took a bite out of his lunch, "since Riley is going to live with us, where is she's going to sleep?" Kim asked. "Well I'm heading to the human territory tonight and I'll take one of their beds and bring it back here" Adrian replied as he shrugs his shoulder

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now