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As they arrived at the human territory Adrian gave his child one last glance "ok I'm going to put you down, and you can lead the way" Adrian said softly as he slowly lowers his hand to the ground. Once his hand was close enough to the ground Riley hops off "ok daddy, follow me" she said with a smile as she took off running down the road. "Be carful" Adrian said with a chuckle as he slowly stands up to his full and followed his child down the road. As Riley walking down the road she finally saw what there looking for "daddy over here, this building has tons over beds" Riley said looking over at her father.

Just as Adriana is just about to reply to his child the front door of the store open as man reached out and pulled his child in causing her to scream. "Let me go please!" Riley shouted out in fear causing the man to hiss, "shh there's a giant outside" the man said looking down at her with annoyance in his eyes. And just as Riley about to protest the roof of the building got ripped off causing both Riley and the man to look up. When the man saw the massive man looking down at them he gulps in fear specially when he heard the giant speak, "let her go!"

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now