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When Adrian walked inside his home he slowly walks over to the couch and gently placed his little girl down "night honey" Adrian whispers as he gave her a gentle kiss on top of her head. As Adrian slowly pulling away he felt her tiny hand grabbing his chin "daddy I wan you to sleep with you" Riley whimpers causing her father to frown, "what's wrong sweetie?" Adrian asked as he gently cradles his tiny daughter in his arms. "I'm afraid I'm going to lose you again" Riley replied as she snuggles into his massive chest.

When Adrian heard that his heart shattered into a million"Hey, I'm not going anywhere, ok?" Adrian whispers softly as he laid down on the couch, "ok" Riley replied as she lets out a long yawn. "Go to sleep sweetie, I'll be right here if you need anything" Adrian said as he gently rubs her little back. When Riley felt her father rubbing her back she quickly grabbed a hold of his thumb and pulled it close to her "night daddy, I love you" Riley said as she snuggles into her father's chest, "I love you to baby girl" Adrian whispers as he lets out a yawn and slowly fell to sleep with a smile on his face.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now