Ch 26

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"Daddy!" Riley said with a smile on her face as she took off running towards the door, "wait he's your dad!?" the man asked in confusion. "Yeah she is, so I suggest you leave her alone, if you know what's good for you" Adrian said as he reaches inside the building. When the man saw the massive hand he quickly dove under a desk, but when he realized that the giant picking up a bed he lets out a sigh of relief. "Ok sweetie lets go see your friend, than we have to get going" Adrian said softly as he places his hand down beside his baby girl.

Once she was completely on his hand Adrian gently lifts her up "which way?" Adrian asked, "that way daddy" Riley replied as she pointed to the bell tower. With a nod Adrian placed his little girl's new bed in his pocket as he made his way down the road "he didn't hurt you, did he" Adrian asked with a worried look. "No daddy he didn't, because if he did he would been in big trouble, right!?" Riley asked causing her father to chuckle. "Yes your right honey, he would of been in big trouble, because nobody hurts my little girl and gets away with it" Adrian replied.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now