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When everyone was finished eating Kim slowly started to pack up the dishes "you better get going before it gets late" Kim said looking up at her boyfriend, "yeah I your right" Adrian said placing his child on the ground as he slowly stands up. As Riley watches her father stand up a small frown spreads across her face "daddy can I go with you?" Riley asked as a hopeful smile appears on her face. "No sweetie you have to stay with Kim, ok" Adrian said as he crossed his arms over his chest, "but daddy I want to go with you, I know where the beds are" Riley pouted as she also crossed her arms over her chest.

"Wow I guess she is really your daughter" Kim said with a smile as she gave her man a light shove. After a few moments Adrian gave in "fine, but you'll have to stay close to me, ok" Adrian said as he gently placed his massive hand down beside his baby girl. "Don't worry daddy I well, and that goes for you to" Riley replied as she climbed onto the massive hand, once she's all set Adrian gently lifts his hand up to his massive green eye "are you sure you want to go?" Adrian asked. "Yes daddy, and besides I have to say sorry to a friend" Riley replied as she hugs her daddy's cheek.

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now