Ch 27

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"Daddy I got a question for you" Riley said looking up at her father as she crossed her arms over her chest, "what's the question sweetie?" Adrian asked looking down at her with a confused look on his face. "Why did you steal that bed?" Riley asked as she points to her father's shirt pocket, "because you need a bed" Adrian replied as he rubs the back of his neck with his free hand. "I do have a bed, and it's were my friend is, so go and take that bed back" Riley replied causing her father to sigh. "Fine I'll take it back, but to be fair your the one who pointed to the store" Adrian mumbled as he turns around and heads black to the store.

"I know, but you should of known better since your a dad, our pose to teach me from right from wrong" Riley replied sticking her nose up in the air causing her father to chuckle, "man you remind me of your mother" Adrian replied causing his daughter to smile at that "good, because some one has to keep you in line" Riley replied sticking her tong out at him. When Adrian heard what his little girl said he couldn't help but smile "what am I ever going to do with you?" Adrian asked as he gently nuzzles her, "better yet, what am I going to do with you daddy?" Riley replied as she hugs the tip of his nose

Year 1972Where stories live. Discover now