Ch 12

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Early next morning

"Ok time to get going" Riley said to herself as she slowly made her way to the edge of the bed. As Riley making her way down the bed she heard commotion coming from on top of the bed "please don't wake up" Riley whispers to herself as she continued her way down the bed. Once she landed on the bed room floor Riley took off running "hey I can't believe this worked" Riley said with a huge smile on her face, but the smile didn't last as she ran right into another foot causing her to fall hard "ow!" Riley yelped in pain causing the massive man to look down at her.

When Riley looked up she saw a massive man looking down at her with shock writing all of her face. "Are you ok sweetie?" The massive man asked as he slowly bends down to pick her up. When Riley saw the massive man reaching for her she quickly sprung up onto her feet and took off running underneath the bookshelf. Just as she reached under it she turned around and saw the massive man laying down and looking at her with his green eyes, but what he said next shocked her "Riley?" The man asked as his eyes narrowed a bit.

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