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"Dr. Berg to C472," a lady said over the speakers well I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. As soon as we got to the hospital the nurse said I had to wait in the waiting room unless I was family, and I couldn't exactly explain our whole situation to her.

"Mr. Dale?" a middle-aged guy asked and looked around at everyone. I stood up and walked over to him. We went through some papers and took one and put it up on the top. "She is going to be just fine, but she has three broken ribs, a concussion, and a small fracture in her skull. She is lucky that she is alive," he said and pulled a bag out of his pocket. "We found this in her pocket, and thought you might like to have it." And he gave me the bag with her phone in it.

"Thank you! I could call her family," I said and took the phone out. I remembered from class that it had no cracks but now it had a few.

"That would be nice, but be aware of the family situation. It is actually confiscated information, but let's just say that she and her family don't get along. Try calling her friend, Hanna Scotch," he said quietly.

"Of course," I said and he left.

I turned the phone on and found Hanna's phone number. It ringed for about two seconds before she picked up the phone. "Sara?!" she yelled, "Where are you? You should have been home by now!"

"Um, hi, I'm Jason," I said on the phone.

"Jason?! Where is Sara?" she said as if she knew me.

"Sorry to tell you, but she is in the hospital," I said quietly.

"What? Why? What happened!" she shouted and I could hear her voice breaking as, I'm guessing, she picked up her car keys from the sound of klinking metal.

"She was driving on the highway and some car crashed into her. When I found her she wasn't responding and her car was upside down," I said as I could feel the pain and the anger build up in my chest. I was going to find whoever crashed into my mate and destroy them.

"Is she okay now?" she said and I could hear she was at the edge of crying.

"It hurts me to tell you, but from what the doctor told me it sounds like she almost died. But she is doing better now. She has three broken ribs, a concussion, and a fractured skull," I said, then she started crying. "I am so sorry," I said with sorrow in my voice. I have never felt this way about a girl before, it was crazy.

"It's okay. Where are you?" she asked and I was immediately confused.


"What floor, what section, which hospital?" she said as if I was stupid.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Umm..." I said looking around to find the information. "I'm at Saint Cloud Hospital, floor 3, section E."

"Thank you, be there in five," she said and hung up.

I got my own phone out and called Luke, he answered after a few tries. "Luke?"

"Oh, hey Alpha Jason," Luke said happily.

"Her name is Hanna."

"What? How did you find out?" he said surprised.

"My mate, Sara, ended up in a serious accident and I'm at the hospital now. The doctor told me to call her best friend, your mate, and tell her the bad news."

"Oh no, how is she?"

"Who? Sara or Hanna?" I asked confused.

"Oh, umm... both," he said after a while.

"Well, Sara almost died. She would have been dead, me and Quinn too if we hadn't gotten her out of the car and ran away from it as it exploded. Hanna cried when I told her, although I forgot to tell her about the explosion..." I said and trailed off.

"Oh, well thanks for telling me, I will tell everyone what happened," he said and hung up.


"You must be Jason?" a girl said behind me. I turned around and saw Hanna standing there with puffy eyes.

"Yes, are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"I will be when all of this is over," she said and looked around.

"I am sorry, but I didn't tell you the whole story..." I said.

"What happened?" she said and looked back at me.

"Her car exploded, and me and my friend, Quinn, were thrown on the ground. I fell onto Sara, and I think I'm the reason she has three broken ribs..."

"She's alive, isn't she? That's all I care about," she said and I felt so relieved.

"So, well we are here why don't we take the time to get to know each other?" I said after an awkward silence.

"Sure," she said and smiled as we went over and sat down. "You like her, don't you?"

"What do you mean? I asked even though I did like her.

"Not a single boy at our entire school would sit at the hospital well a girl they barely know is almost dying," she said matter-of-factly. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me. But if you did, I wouldn't tell her you do."

"Oh, well I do like her. But I don't think you would understand even if I told you," I said.

"I knew it! There is no way you and your friends would sit so close to us during lunch if you didn't like her!" she giggled. "Oh my god, I have so many great memories of her, and I have never really thought of why we are best friends, well that was until she told me about what happened to her." And we just continued talking and talking. We became pretty good friends, at least that's what I think.

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