midnight nightmares

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I held my breath before I said my vows. I glanced up at Jason and he was looking down at me with pure love in his eyes. "I Sara Elizabeth Grey, promise to love you and cherish you for my entire life and eternity after, I will be the best mate you could ever have dreamed of. You have always been there for me, although you lied and almost kidnapped me when we first meet," I said letting out a small chuckle. "Although we have our ups and downs you will be a great husband and father, when we have children. I love you Jason Hanson," I finished.

"I Jason Hanson, do not promise to love and cherish you," Jason said.

I shot out of bed, gasping for air. Jason grabbed me and held on to me. I continued gasping for air, then got out of his grip and spun around staring at him. Did I just have a dream about what happened yesterday or am I just scared that when we do get married he won't say yes?

"Whats wrong, Sara?" he asked me getting up. He wasn't wearing anything, we was completely naked. I remembered what happened last night. He came over to me and gave me a big hug. I collapsed in his arms, crying. He was just stroking my back, saying he loved me, stroking my back again and letting me cry on him. 

Once I had been crying for a while he carried me over to the bed, well I was still crying, and sat down with me in his lap. I nuzzled my head into his shoulder and sighed, trying to quit crying. 

"Want to talk about it?" Jason asked me, stroking my back and head. I shook my head and sighed. "Ok, well just sit here for a little then," he said. I could tell how hurt he was and sighed. I pulled away from him, putting my right hand on his cheek, gently. I sighed another time, then opened my mouth.

"It was a dream, a bad, bad, bad dream," I started, "We were getting married..." I sighed. "When it was your turn-"

"I said no," Jason finished  my sentence. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. I felt his warm tears on my shoulder as I cried on his, redeeming my dream.

After a while he pulled away and cupped my cheeks, "I would never do that, okay?" he told me. I nodded putting my hand on one of his huge ones. He pulled me into a kiss and my hand slid from his hand to his cheek.

"Okay," I said and he sighed. We laid down again and Jason fell asleep. 

After a few hours of trying to sleep I got up and walked down to the kitchen. I opened the fridge looking for something tasty, but couldn't find anything. "Need help?" a way to familiar voice echoed through the room. I spun around as my heart raced two billion beats per minute.

"No," I chirped as he came closer to me. I began backing up but could't go to far, because I bumped into the counter. He followed me as his eyes were turning black. "What do you w-want?" I asked looking around for something to defend me with.

He must know how scared I am, because he chuckled but remained quiet. I was as scared as I was the one time I thought about jumping out in front of a train to end my life, but this was all before I meet Hanna and Jason.

My eyes widened, 'Jason!' I screamed through the mind link, but he didn't answer and it was as if he had cut off all connection between us. I tried again. 'Jason! Get your a$$ down here!' I screamed again, and again, and again, until my head hurt from trying.

"Oh, honey, if you are trying to contact Jason, just forget it," the man said. I stiffened when he said 'honey'. How dare he call me that?

I let out a warning growl, and he chuckled again coming closer. I tried Luke, Mike, Alpha Gunner, Luna Sylvia, I tried everyone, but no one answered me. 

"Not going to work, they are all asleep, and they aren't waking up any time soon," he said and I let out a growl again but I was growing to weak to keep going on like this. "Oh, come on. Why aren't you growling like a wolf? Why are you growling like a human?"

I froze. "You, you told them where we were going to be! You told them that I couldn't control my wolf under a full moon yet! You turned us over to the hunters!" I screamed.

He only chuckled then looked at me with a tilted head. "They really did what they told me they were going to do, didn't they?"

I felt my chest tightening as tears finally ran down my face. "How could you?" I screamed out of anger and flew towards him. "How could you?!" 

"What are you doing here dad?"


Sorry it was just a filler, but I didn't know how I could get to this point unless I just filled in a chapter to get to this point.

Anyways, 4.5k reads and 300 votes?! I am so proud of you!

Love yourself and smile every day!


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