The run

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Yes, I-I can hear you! I said excitedly. I ran over to Jason and pushed my wolfy body into his.

Come! He said playfully and started running. I felt the great breeze of wind on my face as I ran at a supernatural speed.

Me and Jason had been racing for what seemed like forever when we slowed down as we came back to the cabin and looked out over the cliff as the moon was right in front of us and, may I add, it was huge. I couldn't contain myself much more and let out a loud howl and Jason howled with me.

I started running again, and Jason followed me. This was way better than I thought it could ever be. I felt my fur blow in the sudden gush of wind and I could hear everything.

It had been a good six or seven hours when I slowed down and told Jason I was tired. We decided to go back to the cabin and hang out.

I walked over to the porch of the cabin after a while of walking and laid down. Jason came up and laid down behind me. I quickly fell asleep and felt him put his head on my back.

I woke up to Jason with his hand wrapped around my waist. My back completely pressed into his bare chest. I felt a slight discomfort as I noticed we were laying on the porch with no blankets under us.

I sat up and quickly covered my body. I was completely naked! I looked at Jason who also was naked. I remembered last night, how we ran and played.

"Good morning," he said as he sat up and looked at me, I could feel it. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Umm..., I don't know, Jason! Maybe the fact that, I don't know, we are naked!" I half shouted half said.

"What's the big deal? It's not like you've never seen me naked, because you have multiple times," he said and put his hands around my waist.

"I know, it's just," I mumbled but trailed off when he kissed my back. He continued placing small, soft kisses on my back that made their way up to my neck. I sighed right before he was at my mark.

I tried holding a moan back when he kissed my mark. My head tilted to the side as he continued kissing it. I tried, and tried, but gave up and let out a moan and turned around facing him. We paused just looking at each other, then I pressed my lips against his and he pulled me closer to him.

My body was pressed so hard against his it was almost impossible. He pulled me onto his lap and we continued kissing. I knew I was about to regret this, but I still did it. I started kissing his jaw and lade my way down to his neck. I kissed it until he lat out a soft moan and I let my canines come out, and I bit into his neck.

After a while I pulled them out and looked at him. He smiled at me and brought our lips together. I thought about being in his bed and we flew into the house, up the stairs, and into his room. "God, I hate flying," Jason mumbled. I laughed and he pushed me against the mattress.


Sorry its so short but I decided to give you all a little gift...

Also, thanks guys for 200 votes and almost 3k reads!!



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