I love you

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"Wanna go for a run? You should be able too shift whenever you want now," Jason asked me as he played with my hair.

"Sure, but first I need food and a loooooong bath," I said and sat up. He pulled me back so I landed on his chest with an "oof".

"Don't ever leave me, please. I love you to much and I don't know what I would do without you, I love you more then you know," he said quietly.

Aww, I love you too! Should I tell him? I decided to and looked up at him, "I love you too."

He just starred at me for a few minutes, "God, I've been waiting so long for you to say that!" he said and placed a kiss on my forehead. Then grabbed my waist and pulled me up into bridal style. I giggled and hit him playfully. "How dare you hit your Alpha?"

"Well, I'm your Luna so it's only fair if you ask me," I said and giggled some more.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes, cinnamon rolls and bacon!"

"Let's go," he said and I looked at him with the 'haha, very funny! Your carrying me!' look and he chuckled. "Would you rather walk?"

"Ugh, no! I would definitely fly though," I mumbled to myself.

"That's cheating, Sara."

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is."

"Whatever, now be quiet and start walking to the kitchen and make me food!" I told him and he walked a few steps before he stopped. "For the love of go-" I started but he cut me of.

"I'm making you food?"

"Yeah silly, did you seriously think I was going to make food?" I asked him and started laughing.

"It does sound good," he mumbled and started walking again.

We walked into the kitchen and he put me on the counter and got out the ingredients for the pancakes, a roll of cinnamon rolls, and a pack of already sliced bacon. Yuum.

By the time food was done I had put two plates on the table with forks, knives, and glasses. He brought the food and we sat down. This is going to be awesome!

"Who knew you could cook?" I said as I took a bite of the best pancakes I had ever had.

"My mom taught me," he mumbled and started eating himself.

We must have eaten a dozen pancakes each and three cinnamon rolls and a few bacons, because the table was empty. You would think that we would look like giants and way about a bazillion pounds, but thanks to our wolves we weren't affected!

"What time are we going running?" I asked as we sat on the couch. It was currently 7:27 pm and we were watching the fosters.

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