My dad knows about werewolves?!

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"Why isn't she healing?" Jason almost shouted at the old guy examining my wounds.

"I don't know, she should be. But we have never had any records of humans turning into a wolf either, so it might be something about that," the doctor said.

"Do you hear that? You are a one of a kind," Jason said softly. "No! I know other wolves that had human mates, and they didn't turn into wolves."

"Well, didn't all those wolves end up as outcasts because their mates died?"

"Oh, yeah, your right. So, do something!" Jason said and the doctor grabbed his med-kit.

"This is the best I can do right here," he said and pulled out three bandages.

He rolled them on as Jason got rags to wash the rest of my body. "Only an outcast could have done this," he growled as he washed my wounds carefully.

I tried remembering what had happened, and all I remembered was Jason and some purple eyes. "Tell me about all the different kinds of eyes wolves can have," I said.

Jason nodded and started. "So, outcasts have red eyes, all Alpha's have different colored eyes that match with their mate's, betas have green eyes, crossbreeds have grey and regular wolves have black. Why are you asking?"

"Nothing special, what about purple eyes?" I asked and his eyes widened.

"How do you know about purple eyed wolves?!"

"No, well, I just," I hesitated, "All I can remember from last night is you and some purple eyes."

Jason stared at me, "You saw a lost one?!"

"Yeah, it's not such a big deal," I mumbled.

"If he is the one that bit you, then it is! It will take weeks longer to heal, and you will be completely out of it. You won't know where you are or anything," Jason said as the doctor finished rinsing my wounds then putting on the bandages.

"Well, it might not be the same for me! Because if I remember right, I am a first," I said calmly but I was pissed.

"Good morning," Jason said as he kissed my forehead gently.

I lifted my head off his chest, "Good morning."

"So, how are you feeling?"

"I'm great! How about you?"

"Wait, don't your wounds hurt?!" he asked surprised.

"No, why should they?" I asked and sat up.

"You were bit by a lost one," he said and sat up next to me.

"So? I'm pretty sure they healed."

He grabbed my arm and ripped of the bandages. "What the hell?!" He grabbed my leg and I was flung to the other side of the bed. He ripped of all the other bandages well I looked at my arm, that didn't even have a scar. It was like I never even was hurt.

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