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"Wow, you guys scream a lot. And when you do its loud!" Jason said as Luke turned off the movie. I hit his chest playfully.

"Don't say that! You have no reason to," I said and got my phone out of my pocket. It was 10:42, in the evening, I let out a loud yawn.

"Here," he said and grabbed my hand. "Lets go to bed."

I followed him lazily  and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and find some pjs. I grabbed one of his tee shirts that were laying in one of his drawers folded nicely. I took of my sweatshirt and sweatpants and slid the shirt on. Thankfully it was long and almost came down to my knees.

I walked out and gasped quietly. Jason was just getting into bed as I saw his six or eight pack, it was hard to tell. I pretended like I didn't care, but I actually did. I put my knees on his bed and crawled over to him.

I didn't plan to, but I sat down and started kissing him. He quickly sat up and started kissing me back. All the sparks flew around us and it was the best feeling I had ever felt.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. One of his hands slid up my shirt as I put my hands on either side of his face. One of my hands quickly slit around his neck and our kisses got more passionate.

He started kissing my neck and I moaned right as he kissed me right over my collar bone. He started kissing that spot. I pulled myself away from him and looked into his deep eyes. He must have understood what I meant when I had nodded, because he kissed me a few more times then bit me.

I felt a short moment of pain, but it quickly turned into pleasure. He grabbed the bottom parts of  my shirt and pulled it of. Of course I had taken of my bra when I changed into the tee shirt, so I guess you can guess what was left of my clothing.

I was quickly flipped over on my back and he folded our hands together and locked them over my head.

I opened my eyes to find Jason staring at me. I sat up and held the blanket up against my body. "Hey! Get back here!" he yelled when he noticed what I was doing. He grabbed my waist and pulled be back onto his chest.

I giggled and turned around to face him. He gave me a deep kiss and I returned it happily. I started playing with his black hair and he brushed my blond hair out of my face.

"I'm starving!" I said after a while. Jason's eyes went hazy then quickly returned back to normal.

"What was that?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Mind link," he said and smirked at my confused face. "I can talk with anyone in our pack by just thinking. That's how we can attack in big groups and know exactly what to do, without having to shift every time we are going to say something."

"So what did you say now?"

"I told Luke to start making pancakes and bacon." I gasped,

"He would actually do that for me?" I asked shocked.

"Well now that we have successfully completed the mating process he has to obey every order, from either of us," he explained.

"Really? Cool!" I said.

"Mhmm," he said and leaned in for a kiss. I quickly poked him in the side and he fell of the bed. My jaw dropped, the Alpha is ticklish?! "Hey!" he said and quickly stood up.

"Y-you are ticklish?" I stuttered in surprise.

"Well don't sound to surprised. Everyone is," he said and went over to his closet. I suddenly got a bad headache and decided to take a shower.

As he got dressed I quietly got out of bed and ran over to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the water to let it heat up, then got in. The water was way to hot so I turned it down, till i got just the right temperature.

After half an hour I got out. I still had a headache but it wasn't as bad now as earlier. I put on my clothes from yesterday and walked out of the bathroom.

When I came down the stairs I could smell pancakes and bacon and sprinted into the kitchen. "Hey," Luke said and continued working on the breakfast.

"Hi," I said. "Should I set the table?"

"Sure, if you want to," he said, "the plates are in the corner cabinets and cups in the middle cabinets." I nodded.

I went over to get them and grabbed four plates and four cups and put them on the table. I came back, "Forks and knives?" He gestured to the drawer two feet away from him. I grabbed four forks and four knives.

"Hi, Alpha Jason," Luke said as he came into the kitchen yawning. He had fallen asleep again after he got dressed, and was still sleeping when I got out of the shower.

"Hi, is breakfast soon ready?" he asked and sat down on a high top.

"About five minutes," he said aa he took one pancake and put it on the plate with all the other pancakes. "Can you go get Hanna?" he asked. I nodded and went upstairs to find her.

"Hanna? Hanna, Hanna!" I asked as I walked down the hallway.

"Hmmm?" I heard her say. I went over to the door and opened it. She was laying on a kingsized bed, but not as big as Jason's.

"Come," I said and walked into the room to pull her with me. "Breakfast is ready!"

Her eyes shot open, "Did you say breakfast?"

I nodded and smiled, "And the breakfast is pancakes, can you smell it?"

She looked at me with the are-you-seriously-so-stupid-? look, "No, I can't smell the breakfast."

As she got up I was confused. She couldn't smell the pancakes? I could smell them so clearly.


Do you guys know why Sara can smell the breakfast, when Hanna can't?


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