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"Why does this keep happening to me?" I asked as Jason walked me out of the pack hospital. He looked down at me. "My wolf is healing me, so I guess she is healed. But she isn't saying anything to me. My dad wants me dead. My best friend is pregnant."

"I don't know, just as I don't know what is going on with you. First you are invisible, then you can fly, and now? You are screaming like a banshee," he said. I looked down at the ground.

"But don't worry, we will figure it out," he said and I nodded my head slowly. I need to figure out what is going on with me, alone. I can't have Jason running around, putting himself in danger, for me.

"I have to go," I told him and ran away. He called my name and told me to stop, but I just continued running. I ran towards the forest, having no idea where I was going. I tried contacting my wolf, but she didn't answer. When is she going to show? She already healed me, but she isn't talking to me.

I tried again, no answer. I just gave up and ran even faster. 

After a hour of running who-knows-where I finally slowed down. I looked around and inhaled the fresh air. I thought about everything that has been happening to me. My dad being a lost one, Hanna been pregnant, Jason, my mom, life. 

I looked around, then tilted my head upwards. I opened my eyes, after noticing they were closed, and saw snow. It was snowing, in early fall? Thats not possible, not this early. September isn't even over yet! I looked around trying to see if I was imagining it. 

I saw a dark shadow darting from a tree to another tree. I spun after it as it continued darting from one tree to another. I let out the best growl I could as the snow thickened. It was hard to see anything now, and I was beginning to panic. I have to get away from here. What if this is a killer? What if it is another trick from dad? What- what if whoever this is, is going to kill me?

I can't die before I saw sorry to Jason and everyone else. I started sweating, thinking about my options and what I could do to get away from here. I tried shifting, but it didn't work. I screamed for help, but knew I was to far away for anyone to hear me. I was tossed across the woods and slammed into a tree. I fell to the ground as tears filled my eyes.

"Please, just kill me now if that is what you want," I begged. The snow instantly stopped and a beautiful young girl was standing there. Her long blond hair blowing in the wind. She came closer and my eyes widened. "Y-You- you look-"

"Just like me," the girl said as she stared at me in shock. "Who are you?" the girl asked as she formed a small ball of fire in her hand, glaring at me.

"S-Sara Grey. I am from america, here for vacation," I stammered well trying to think about what to tell her. I can't exactly tell her that I am a werewolf and I am here with my entire pack.

Her jaw tightened as she bends down so she was eye level with me. "My name is Alexa Grey. I have lived in Norway for most of my life. I am adopted by two wonderful people, but I never changed my name from my original one, and I am an only child. So how the hell do you look just like me?" she said with her strong accent. 

I didn't know what to say. "Are you my sister?" I whispered.

"I have no idea. My adaption was closed, so I never got to know anything about my old family. But I would say you are my sister, or twin or whatever, because you look exactly like me," she said as she stood up again. "You are hurt?" she stated. "Who did it?"

"My dad."


"Because his only mission in life is to kill me. When I was born I wasn't born as a were- I mean as successful as he wanted me to be. Then two weeks later, umm, my grandmother died and he said it was my fault. So he made it his life mission to kill me. Funny thing is, he has had eighteen years to do so, and he just started trying. Before he was just abusing me," I said, surprised over how much my life has actually changed, and how I didn't figure out earlier that my dad had been lying to me my entire life.

"Your a werewolf?" she asked me, then leaned in for my neck and moved my hair away. "And you have found your mate, I take it."

I just stared at her. "How?" I asked in disbelief. She knew about werewolves too? When is there ever anyone who doesn't know about us?

"Well, all my friends are a part of the North Moon pack, and well you saw what I can do," she said and my jaw dropped even wider, if that is even possible.

"Fine, I used, or I sort of am a werewolf. Theoretically I am, but a few weeks ago me and my mate were captured. I was tortured so much that my wolf almost died. So when we got out she hid to heal herself. The doctors say she should be fine now, and I should be able to shift, but I'm not," I said.

"I'm sorry," she said as we sat there in silence studying each other. "Do you want to go back to the pack house?" she said and I nodded.



 am finally on spring break, I have no more finals, and I have time to update my story!

What did you think? I know my game has been down lately, but I hope it gets better when I get some more sleep.


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